Saturday, July 19, 2008

Funny Save The Dates Ideas

Martyrs Anniversary of the death of Borsellino

In memory of those who fought against the mafia, not by living the good of the tv, but working in the area.

Now many of us, with very different political beliefs, to demonstrate together against the Mafia. Unthinkable 20 years ago.

thanks for having turned on in the hearts of the Sicilian torch of hope and for giving us the courage to stand tall and never bend the knee to the godfather.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Has Tendonitis Gone ?

Berlusconi into the trap of his moral superiority hell

So hung Berlusconi government - a government that does pretty well - his erezione. Oltretutto pericolante, è dato capire. Erezione da settantenne, dipendente quindi da molti accorgimenti.

Rispondo a quei lettori fanatici cui la definizione di Berlusconi come «Salame» pare ancora filo-berlusconismo mascherato, e continuano a ripetere che quello è un mascalzone, un disonesto e un dittatore (1).

Un disonesto normale, un dittatore o aspirante tale, regala all’ennesima velina o passerina con cui va a letto un brillante a 22 carati, pellicce di zibellino, un attico a Montparnasse. Solo un Salame assegna alla passerina un ministero, si fa inoltre intercettare mentre ne vanta le qualità saffiche, mettendo così nelle mani dei suoi nemici la conferma del loro argomento principale: Berlusconi uses politics for his private pleasure, for he is one. Only a

Salame can scream about the "gossip", that does not understand who has made it untenable: the questions of 'chick' (to use the felt), the Italians are lenient. But when the lover of the 'chicks' puts the ministry to command, then it is not gossip, politics is the shame, the loss of any authority whatsoever. It has no more excuses. It must even apologize to his constituents.

leave or not the intercepts, which all mean something and have at least everyone now knows everything, Berlusconi - to an erection - hath been politically neutered. He castrated and an attempt to Tremonti Brunetta, and other ministers not to be read, defaulting to reform public administration, to put in place the legal caste.

hath been hanged by its own sexual obsessions of the older person, throwing away an opportunity that the Italian electorate will not occur again. This confirms the assumption of Talleyrand: a salami in politics is worse than being a criminal.

I will note that we had a diagnosed psychiatric disorders in the salami. Many of his actions are explained, I had written, such as manic-depressive, with emphasis on the 'manic': ease euphoric, excessive self-confidence, sexual bragging, undue optimism, recklessness by underestimating the problems (already seen by Alitalia).

Today is manifested depressive side: in the form of cowardice. After threatening decrees and great media battle (going to the Matrix ...) against the judges who haunt him, giving up, you little, you put in the hands of Napolitano, who has promised to get rid of the intercepts, if he leaves the cast to real power.

"With a head afraid to talk hard by the majority do not have the strength to implement the program," says Felt, and captures the essential political point. A very considerable majority of the voters had voted for that program necessary. Now, literally, Salame has ruined everything, even himself.

It only remains to decide if that Salame is more a mental illness or a moral disease. Maybe the two. Or an employee of the other.

Clearly, quell'assatanamento continuous, that incessant talking and obsessive that boast of his performances - so much so, they say, by minargli health - is a childish, pathological-salamesco, to exorcise the thought of death, inevitable and daily after i 70: Look at me, I am strong! Old stains are still young, look at what draws me! I pull a lot! Each woman gave me! Brambilla, Carfagna, has had enough all! (But then you must pay them with a ministry, not even enough for a sable).

Farewell reform, separation of careers, undue lowering of protection that the judicial review has arrogated to itself the legislative and executive powers.

Warning to readers fanatics who accuse me of Berlusconi Berlusconi, the target of their hatred of psychiatry, will fall, perhaps within months. Politically it is already dead. La Casta, who won, there we have the neck for ever and ever, including the judiciary of Naples, which has never caught a Camorra of Naples that has a landfill, but he found urgent intercept boasting 'of' Silvio 'to' True ' sulle ragioni postribolari dell’ingresso di qualche ministra nel governo, sulle virtù di una giovane signora passata dallo «spettacolo alla politica». Via Silvio, la spazzatura fisica e morale di questo Paese resterà, vittoriosa, anzi invincibile.

A quei lettori che possono accoglierlo, fornisco – essendo la politica perdita – un consiglio spirituale: convertitevi da giovani, finchè la natura è flessibile. Come vedete dal lugubre esempio di «Silvio», da vecchi è quasi impossibile. Solo molto ipoteticamente la vecchiaia è saggezza, è seria e serena preparazione al giudizio eterno. Una vita lunga, mal vissuta, costruisce attorno ai vecchi malvissuti un muro di abitudini, vizii, obsessions, which is becoming harder and puncture; karma, to say the Buddhists, in old age becomes a binary iron to hell, from which any deviation is impossible unless a miracle.

The staff also speak from experience. A part of me died that friends who saw it come unrepentant agony, unable to forgive, to repent and stop doing what they did, work was crazy and insane by now, had sex or other defect. I see the same strength in me. I pray for those friends of mine, I hope - for them - a clear vision of the Divine Mercy can give in the last minute. But if I were you, would not account; learn from young to die well.

see Berlusconi, as has been trapped in his labyrinth, who has built a force of 'success' and 'tissue' that is already his personal hell, his eternal concentration camp, and only because it is a Salami mistakes him for a near-paradise.

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1) As an example of one of these readers blinded, and offensive Here is a letter I received after the article "CSM as the City": "By this analysis, she loses much credibility Mr. Blondet. I thought the most intellectually honest, and that its logic was not affected by interference ideological in nature. But this is not true at all. In fact probably dislikes, likes, political affinity, are the main engines and axioms that are building his articles. This often leads to the center the target, but by chance, and anyway, obviously a logical fallacy. This article is moved by such a selective blindness. I can not believe what I read. How then can I trust to his articles on the misdeeds of America, Israel, September sull'undici (subjects on which I tend to like her. But I hope to have some convictions on the basis of likes and dislikes, but rather objective criteria .. .)? The truth is that Berlusconi likes, she likes (for obvious reasons) la figura dell'uomo forte, non riesce a vedere le cose come stanno (o se le vede non le trova così deplorevoli, e per di più le omette) per le molte affinità che questo signore ha con la figura del dittatore. Anche se si tratta di un dittatore moderno, che usa metodi moderni, e si nasconde dietro i simulacri di istituzioni democratiche. E se non riesce a negare la sua natura, perché non esiste logica che lo permette, allora lo fa passare per non abbastanza forte, per vittima di un attacco, che, al di là dei moralismi, è figlio di una semplice lotta politica... non c'è che dire... Qui per fortuna non stiamo parlando di Iran, Israele, o USA, qui ci vivo anche io, e ho vari strumenti per farmi un'idea della realtà in where I live. This gives me the opportunity to compare her with my logic, its axioms with my parents. It allows me to judge. Which, when it comes to geopolitics, I do not have the ability to do. With these articles I can find out who she really is ... I am shocked by his analysis ... At this point, I hope you focus on these issues and stop writing articles about the international situation. She is shown not to be honest (intellectually speaking), so it can not do a good service to the cause. "
The intellectual dishonesty is all of the player. And 'he who is driven by "political affinity" that does not confess, and most do not understand that the Italian central political problem is the clash between powers, in which the non-elected power took control of the elected powers. I hope for him to be in bad faith. Otherwise, I invite him to restrain his natural stupidity. Take care of something else, anyway. His moralistic anti-Berlusconi hides the desire to defend the privileges of the parasitic caste. It says: I would agree on the reforms of justice, if not would make a dishonest one that is full of skeletons in the closet. In short, the reforms will be accepted only when, to make them take the field el'Immacolata San Michele Arcangelo. Campa horse, of course. In the meantime, leave all power to the non-immaculate that intercept those who want them, and who should not intercept.

by Maurizio Blondet

Friday, July 4, 2008

Sand Rail Buggy Diagram

I reports an article from Ma'ariv, a Jewish newspaper. In Bethlehem, a Palestinian boy
of 18 years has been the focus of Jewish arms.
Despite the truce, signed recently, but now repeatedly violated by the people elected .
Rescuers were unnecessary, the boy died, but his death comes an extraordinary act of love that moves.

The father decided to proceed with the donation of organs. This gesture has saved the lives of Jews 6.
father's statement: It was hard per me, ma Dio m'ha ispirato a prendere la decisione giusta di aiutare i pazienti con la donazione degli organi di mio figlio. Sono felice di questa decisione e non v'è differenza tra paziente arabi o ebrei. La mia sola intenzione è aiutarli e non voglio neanche sapere la loro identità .

E' questo quello che fa grande un popolo. Rispondere alla morte con la vita non ha nulla di naturale. E' molto di più.

Un giorno il mondo capirà dov'è la ragione in Palestina. Basta solo sperare che ci sia ancora una Palestina da dover salvare.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Tip Of Big Toe Hurts To Touch

Sexism poolside

La plurititolata squadra di pallanuoto femminile di Catania, l'Orizzonte Catania, ha appena esonerato Giusi Sick, the coach, only because she got pregnant!

Horizon Catania began in the national championship in 1985 with a young Giusi Malato in the pool. The first seven years
see the horizon always ranked second. After
Giusi grows and becomes the largest player in the history of water polo . More than Pele or Maradona was for football.
From 1992 to 2006 the league has not been more moved by Catania, bank Horizon! Giusi dragged his team to the sound of goals!
stradominio The soil is supported by the Italian Higher Education in Europe: the Horizon offers attendees number 8 Champions League ! The ability to

Giusi is contagious: it transforms the girls in the Horizon setter. setters who will win many European titles and the Olympic Games .

Giusi Malato is the only female player to win the gold cap , comparable to the Golden Ball trophy, only MALE AND FEMALE RUNNING TOGETHER FOR THE TITLE!

This year has been the Horizon coach. During the year she became pregnant. When he learned the company has added the second in a trainer to make her feel her breath on my neck.
She gave birth by Caesarean Diego to recover first. At the end
year as coach, won Giusi SCUDETTO AND CHAMPIONS LEAGUE!

Yet the company releases the same. A shame. An example of mobbing that probably would have pushed another woman to abortion.

The entire city of Catania is turning against the leadership of the team.
Despite the sport is certainly not a main topic of this blog, you need to give high visibility of the incident.
President Horizon has to hide his face with his hands when he walks the streets of Catania.

I enclose a letter of Giuseppe.

After several days of silence, during which I have disposed of the disappointment at the treatment received dalla società Orizzonte Catania di pallanuoto, ho deciso di dire la verità sull’esonero comunicatomi da parte della dirigenza.

Da donna, da mamma e da sportiva che conosce e rispetta i sani principi della competizione agonistica, non posso che restare sorpresa, delusa, esterrefatta nel rileggere le motivazioni per le quali sono stata allontanata.

Sorpresa perché, se non sbaglio, in questa stagione, l’ Orizzonte ha vinto sia lo scudetto che la Coppa Campioni .
Delusa perché non mi aspettavo, sul piano umano, soprattutto, un trattamento simile da gente con cui ho condiviso un sesto della mia giornata. Esterrefatta nel leggere le dichiarazioni sulla mia colpevole maternità. guilty of having given birth to my son . Guilty and, therefore, not able to handle a season at the highest levels.

I wonder, then: the 24 years that I have given everything, absolutely everything to my company, an athletic, love the colors of Catania have been forgotten? I hope at least that this happened in the minds of people on the one hand I smiled and rejoiced with me after every success. Second, of course, harbored a betrayal that I do not consider serious sport plane, but almost exclusively in human terms.

In recent years, in the water or poolside, I was proud to take up not only water polo, but also the name of my city. So proud I've sacrificed, all the months of my pregnancy until delivery. In fact, I decided to give birth to Diego, the doctors agree, with a Caesarean to live up to my professional commitments and to continue, more proud than ever, the run-up to success in the Champions Cup.

not tell you what I feel for women: hide their real thoughts behind the event, for myself and for my real friends, delighted as the birth of my son, Diego, is a cowardly : you can not build a castle solid on the sand.

Executives say only one thing: I hope you give your children a different example, certainly more educational than what I received io. Sul piano sportivo, visto che vivo in questo mondo da molti anni, so benissimo che la scelta di incaricare un altro allenatore covava da tempo e che l’incarico a Formiconi è stato pensato prima della fine della stagione, quando io sono stata affiancata da Pier Luigi. Mi è stato detto che era una piccola precauzione per non restare scoperti nel caso in cui avessi partorito nei giorni della partita. Invece sono stata trattata come la peggiore persona al mondo.
Tradita dagli amici più sorridenti e gentili, almeno dinanzi a me. Tanto gentili che mi avevano proposto di allenare il vivaio. Incarico nobilissimo, ma altrettanto dispendioso sul piano dell’impegno e durissimo su quello tecnico. Per dirla in altre parole: l’applicazione is maximum for a coach that is in A1 with the guys that come in the pool the first day. I think so.

short, lies upon lies to cover strategic moves that, for heaven's sake, are more than legitimate. What I would like to reiterate is that, after many years of effort (regardless of success, thankfully arrived in large numbers) I think I deserve a different treatment. Not only me, but especially my family, offended, even mocked publicly whether it is true that I should leave the team to take care of my 24 hours on 24 patients.

thank especially the people of Catania, moved today to all that applause bestowed Massimino stadium as a symbol to Giusi Malato the city triumphed. Thanks to the managers for the opportunity I was given: to train the Horizon of Catania was an honor and has enriched me both technically and human, although this final treatment.
Girls thanks for the renewal of the commitment and support, but also for the great affection that unites me to all of them today and reiterate the greatest good luck for the next season. A Formiconi, who was my coach, I wish you good work.
Executives ask you to be honest most humanly in the future, but I renew my challenge. Maybe we'll meet again, this time from opponents.

Giusi Malato

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How To Build A Wooden Toy Boat

fingerprint Roma children

Maroni (understood as the Minister of Interior) proposes to take the fingerprints of Roma children who reside on Italian soil.
The census will begin July 10.
The theory is to monitor the emergence ROM.

It 'clear that we are talking about the ravings of a madman.
The children, who undeniably committing crimes, are victims of adults in the community that force them (also under threat) to perpetrate it.
I wonder what benefits would result record the names of children.
Exclusively to make even more victims, the victims.

In Romania 10% of the population is ethnic ROM but do not experience our own emergency.
The secret lies in their domestic politics (they D avid, not m arona). The brain matter
romania and honest workers. Export criminals and prevents the formation of camps.

If the nomads come in and stabilize committed crimes. It is not hard to get there.
The solution is to prevent entry.
they reach only those who have a job.
People who work can afford a rent. And live in a civilized community for sound integration.

The proposed Maroni is not only racist, but also
1) USELESS as it does not give any objective advantage
2) counterproductive, it would In fact, a climate of hatred. Children grow up in hatred of their host country becoming the social dangers.

ROM The problem exists and is real. The problem is the organ with which to solve it. Most
, the Maronites, they prefer the brain.