Berlusconi into the trap of his moral superiority hell
So hung Berlusconi government - a government that does pretty well - his erezione. Oltretutto pericolante, è dato capire. Erezione da settantenne, dipendente quindi da molti accorgimenti.
Rispondo a quei lettori fanatici cui la definizione di Berlusconi come «Salame» pare ancora filo-berlusconismo mascherato, e continuano a ripetere che quello è un mascalzone, un disonesto e un dittatore (1).
Un disonesto normale, un dittatore o aspirante tale, regala all’ennesima velina o passerina con cui va a letto un brillante a 22 carati, pellicce di zibellino, un attico a Montparnasse. Solo un Salame assegna alla passerina un ministero, si fa inoltre intercettare mentre ne vanta le qualità saffiche, mettendo così nelle mani dei suoi nemici la conferma del loro argomento principale: Berlusconi uses politics for his private pleasure, for he is one. Only a
Salame can scream about the "gossip", that does not understand who has made it untenable: the questions of 'chick' (to use the felt), the Italians are lenient. But when the lover of the 'chicks' puts the ministry to command, then it is not gossip, politics is the shame, the loss of any authority whatsoever. It has no more excuses. It must even apologize to his constituents.
leave or not the intercepts, which all mean something and have at least everyone now knows everything, Berlusconi - to an erection - hath been politically neutered. He castrated and an attempt to Tremonti Brunetta, and other ministers not to be read, defaulting to reform public administration, to put in place the legal caste.
hath been hanged by its own sexual obsessions of the older person, throwing away an opportunity that the Italian electorate will not occur again. This confirms the assumption of Talleyrand: a salami in politics is worse than being a criminal.
I will note that we had a diagnosed psychiatric disorders in the salami. Many of his actions are explained, I had written, such as manic-depressive, with emphasis on the 'manic': ease euphoric, excessive self-confidence, sexual bragging, undue optimism, recklessness by underestimating the problems (already seen by Alitalia).
Today is manifested depressive side: in the form of cowardice. After threatening decrees and great media battle (going to the Matrix ...) against the judges who haunt him, giving up, you little, you put in the hands of Napolitano, who has promised to get rid of the intercepts, if he leaves the cast to real power.
"With a head afraid to talk hard by the majority do not have the strength to implement the program," says Felt, and captures the essential political point. A very considerable majority of the voters had voted for that program necessary. Now, literally, Salame has ruined everything, even himself.
It only remains to decide if that Salame is more a mental illness or a moral disease. Maybe the two. Or an employee of the other.
Clearly, quell'assatanamento continuous, that incessant talking and obsessive that boast of his performances - so much so, they say, by minargli health - is a childish, pathological-salamesco, to exorcise the thought of death, inevitable and daily after i 70: Look at me, I am strong! Old stains are still young, look at what draws me! I pull a lot! Each woman gave me! Brambilla, Carfagna, has had enough all! (But then you must pay them with a ministry, not even enough for a sable).
Farewell reform, separation of careers, undue lowering of protection that the judicial review has arrogated to itself the legislative and executive powers.
Warning to readers fanatics who accuse me of Berlusconi Berlusconi, the target of their hatred of psychiatry, will fall, perhaps within months. Politically it is already dead. La Casta, who won, there we have the neck for ever and ever, including the judiciary of Naples, which has never caught a Camorra of Naples that has a landfill, but he found urgent intercept boasting 'of' Silvio 'to' True ' sulle ragioni postribolari dell’ingresso di qualche ministra nel governo, sulle virtù di una giovane signora passata dallo «spettacolo alla politica». Via Silvio, la spazzatura fisica e morale di questo Paese resterà, vittoriosa, anzi invincibile.
A quei lettori che possono accoglierlo, fornisco – essendo la politica perdita – un consiglio spirituale: convertitevi da giovani, finchè la natura è flessibile. Come vedete dal lugubre esempio di «Silvio», da vecchi è quasi impossibile. Solo molto ipoteticamente la vecchiaia è saggezza, è seria e serena preparazione al giudizio eterno. Una vita lunga, mal vissuta, costruisce attorno ai vecchi malvissuti un muro di abitudini, vizii, obsessions, which is becoming harder and puncture; karma, to say the Buddhists, in old age becomes a binary iron to hell, from which any deviation is impossible unless a miracle.
The staff also speak from experience. A part of me died that friends who saw it come unrepentant agony, unable to forgive, to repent and stop doing what they did, work was crazy and insane by now, had sex or other defect. I see the same strength in me. I pray for those friends of mine, I hope - for them - a clear vision of the Divine Mercy can give in the last minute. But if I were you, would not account; learn from young to die well.
see Berlusconi, as has been trapped in his labyrinth, who has built a force of 'success' and 'tissue' that is already his personal hell, his eternal concentration camp, and only because it is a Salami mistakes him for a near-paradise.
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1) As an example of one of these readers blinded, and offensive Here is a letter I received after the article "CSM as the City": "By this analysis, she loses much credibility Mr. Blondet. I thought the most intellectually honest, and that its logic was not affected by interference ideological in nature. But this is not true at all. In fact probably dislikes, likes, political affinity, are the main engines and axioms that are building his articles. This often leads to the center the target, but by chance, and anyway, obviously a logical fallacy. This article is moved by such a selective blindness. I can not believe what I read. How then can I trust to his articles on the misdeeds of America, Israel, September sull'undici (subjects on which I tend to like her. But I hope to have some convictions on the basis of likes and dislikes, but rather objective criteria .. .)? The truth is that Berlusconi likes, she likes (for obvious reasons) la figura dell'uomo forte, non riesce a vedere le cose come stanno (o se le vede non le trova così deplorevoli, e per di più le omette) per le molte affinità che questo signore ha con la figura del dittatore. Anche se si tratta di un dittatore moderno, che usa metodi moderni, e si nasconde dietro i simulacri di istituzioni democratiche. E se non riesce a negare la sua natura, perché non esiste logica che lo permette, allora lo fa passare per non abbastanza forte, per vittima di un attacco, che, al di là dei moralismi, è figlio di una semplice lotta politica... non c'è che dire... Qui per fortuna non stiamo parlando di Iran, Israele, o USA, qui ci vivo anche io, e ho vari strumenti per farmi un'idea della realtà in where I live. This gives me the opportunity to compare her with my logic, its axioms with my parents. It allows me to judge. Which, when it comes to geopolitics, I do not have the ability to do. With these articles I can find out who she really is ... I am shocked by his analysis ... At this point, I hope you focus on these issues and stop writing articles about the international situation. She is shown not to be honest (intellectually speaking), so it can not do a good service to the cause. "
The intellectual dishonesty is all of the player. And 'he who is driven by "political affinity" that does not confess, and most do not understand that the Italian central political problem is the clash between powers, in which the non-elected power took control of the elected powers. I hope for him to be in bad faith. Otherwise, I invite him to restrain his natural stupidity. Take care of something else, anyway. His moralistic anti-Berlusconi hides the desire to defend the privileges of the parasitic caste. It says: I would agree on the reforms of justice, if not would make a dishonest one that is full of skeletons in the closet. In short, the reforms will be accepted only when, to make them take the field el'Immacolata San Michele Arcangelo. Campa horse, of course. In the meantime, leave all power to the non-immaculate that intercept those who want them, and who should not intercept.
by Maurizio Blondet