Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wrap Your Waist With Seran Wrap And Preperation H

again on Tibet

seems that the world is waking up. The Pope dedicated the Via Crucis on Good Friday to the Tibetan people, even though I think it was good to be more explicit.
D'Alema remains the best foreign minister in recent times with harsh words condemning the actions of the People's Republic of China.
Much appreciated, as few other politicians have done so. In the most extreme left
there dares to criticize the work of the largest communist country. They deny the ravines, they kiss the grave of Tito ... I am not surprised at all. Right
not talk about it.
economic interests in China by Berlusconi and company are so high that they will not say anything that might make an enemy of the Chinese commercial basin.

Meanwhile, Tibet has endured the humiliation of passing through the land of the Olympic flame. There were protests, but promptly censored by the Chinese regime.
China has also made clear to journalists from Tibet. Protests were useless reporters-without-borders.
What will the Chinese regime now that there are no witnesses? Now that there are eyes that the world will denounce the violence and abuses of the communist regime against Tibet?

boycott these Olympics is increasingly becoming a civic duty . The Games would bring in revenue flights to China to be frightening. And every penny will be made available to suppress Tibet, censor the press and remove even the most basic human rights in China.
Place the legality of these Olympics makes you an accomplice.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Recurring Deposit Calculation

Twins blacks a Happy Easter to all readers.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Homemade Whitetail Deer Halloween Costume Ideas

Happy Easter "Obama swear allegiance to Israel"

Persino il Washington Post presenta l’incredibile evento come «fin dove arriva la Chutzpah». Si tratta di un incontro in cui l’United Jewish Committee (1) ha convocato i rappresentanti dei tre candidati presidenziali - McCain, la Clinton e Barak Obama - per mettere alla prova la «fedeltà ad Israele» di ciascuno. Il termine usato, «fealty», indica l’atto di fedeltà del vassallo al signore.

Un vero processo, con i candidati in veste di imputati (in contumacia), ma rappresentati da tre avvocati difensori: l’ex segretario di Stato Lawrence Eagleburger per McCain, la ex dirigente della Casa Bianca Ann Lewis per Hillary Clinton. Quanto ad Obama, ha mandato come suo difensore un pezzo grosso della comunità, uno col curriculum più kosher che ci sia: Dan Kurtzer, ex ambasciatore in Israele, oggi docente a Princeton.

Kurtzer, secondo il resoconto del Washington Post, è andato subito al cuore dell’argomento in nome del suo cliente-imputato: «Nella comunità circolano voci che dicono che c’è qualcosa di sbagliato nell’atteggiamento di Obama verso gli ebrei e verso Israele. Voci che circolano in e-mails, allusioni che appaiono sui giornali… lo stesso tipo di cose che la nostra comunità ha subito da parte degli antisemiti».

Gli ebrei che voteranno democratico sono contro Obama, e non da oggi. Perché è negro. Because he expressed sympathy for the Palestinians and the dislike for Likud. Why did you become chosen as foreign policy adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (Council on Foreign Relations), which defines the U.S. Middle East policy "morally hypocritical," that is always on the side of Israel even when Judas is wrong.

But the worst came with the revelation that the charismatic leader of the "church" and Christian fiction that Barak Obama attended negra, the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright has accused Israel of "state terrorism against the Palestinians," and for Moreover, allude, is a friend of Farrakhan, the leader of Black Muslims, "anti-Semitic" said. Obama has taken in vain distances from the "Reverend" and he is suspect and therefore will not have money Jewish propaganda or support.

Jews prefer Hillary's, to which they have support and money. "On Israel, there are differences among the three candidates," he tried to say Kurtzer, the defender of the negro laughter, cries of "communist"! the Jewish audience. Kurtzer has rejected.

About the absurdities of Reverend Wright that Obama is a sheep, said: "So many of us and for you who belong to the community and the synagogue, we would not be judged by the words of some rabbis who sometimes say things ridiculous (like that other people are talking animals?). E 'was swamped with protests.

Anne Lewis, who represented the Jewish Hillary, and blurted out: "But if Obama said in his first year in office is committed to meet Ahmadinejad." Lawrence Eagleburger, the defender of McCain, has weighed in: "McCain will not talk with the Syrians, will not talk with the Iranians, will not talk with Hamas or Hezbollah ... and will not pressure Israel." The oath of allegiance, vassalage could not be more explicit.

One of the members of the community, such Daroff, "I have heard in the corridors that Obama does not see the issue of Israel as the Jewish community sees it or how the Senate." Other pointed out that Obama, recently said: Israel does not mean to be for the Likud. Kurtzer has tried to defend him: "This means that only want to hear a variety of items' out of Zion. Frost in the room.

Then Anne Lewis, who controls the Jewish Hillary, has articulated: "The task of the President of the United States is to support the decisions that are made by the people of Israel. It is not for him or choose to distinguish between the political parties in Israel. " Here is the schedule of vassalage said. Not for the U.S. president meddling in Israeli domestic politics, but Jews can pry U.S. domestic politics, to distinguish and choose among those candidates who are most subject to Zion. Kosher vivid applause from the audience.

The decision is made Obama is not sufficiently subservient to the Jews, as demonstrated with zeal, not only the Jews present, but also representatives of the Clinton and McCain. Something tells us that Obama will not win the election.

last detail provided by the Washington Post: "Israeli security staff with emphasis sent people away because the room was overcrowded." The room of the Washington Hilton where he played the black man who dares to stand trial and sometimes criticize the Likud. Trial, with guards at the door of the Mossad. Maybe you would not believe. Who knows English, read for yourself: Dana Milbank, "The Audacity of Chutzpah, "Washington Post, March 18, 2008, page 2.

The reporter Milbank, jew, of course, is known to have soberly called "Nazis" professors Walt and Mearsheimer, guilty of having produced the well-known essay "The Israel Lobby." Milbank approves, of course, submission (fealty) to McCain and Clinton, Obama and slams the front page as insubordinate.

And by the way: the U.S. State Department released its annual report entitled "Contemporary Global Anti-Semitism", to highlight the following thesis: any criticism of Israel is an act of anti-Semitism, today, is the antisemitisamo lies in the criticisms of the Zionist state. Strange, but our beloved President Giorgio Napolitano had said the same thing before. When the vassal guess and anticipate the wishes of his lord, yes this is true loyalty (fealty, submission).

But there is always someone who passes you in fealty: Rome, March 19th - (Adnkronos): Silvio Berlusconi personally share the pain of the terrorist attacks in Israel. "I feel personally the suffering of people in Israel, and that always makes me feel closer," says the leader of the PDL in an exclusive interview with Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronot. That's who we are called upon to choose between, we in the West.

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1) From the organization's website: "The United Jewish Communities Represents 155 Jewish federations and Serves and 400 independent Jewish communities across North America. It
Reflects the values \u200b\u200bof social justice and human rights define That the Jewish people. The values \u200b\u200bof caring That Perform miracles and transform lives. " There is also a branch of the UJC in Israel: UJC Israel acts as the liaison Between Israel and the American Jewish community, interfacing with the government, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the business community, the voluntary sector, opinion makers, the media and the general public. "

www.effedieffe.com by Maurizio Blondet

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Punched Something, Months Later My Hand Hurts


The Community Youth
Tanker Neronis
is pleased to invite you to the conference on the theme:

executions and the sale of organs CHINA IN THE THIRD MILLENNIUM
Beijing 2008 Olympics repression

To be held Friday, April 4, 2008, at 17:30 at:


vice presidente della Laogai Research Foundation Italia onlus

presidente della Laogai Research Foundation Italia onlus

nel corso della manifestazione verrà presentato il libro

Della Laogai Research Foundation,edito da Guerini e associati

How Can You Get Black Puffle For Free


In Tibet stiamo assisendo,per quanto possibile (le informazioni sono filtrate dal regime comunista),ad un massacro indecente cronto cui la comunità internazionale si sta muovendo con poco incisività(forse per non turbare i rapporti economici con la Cina...).
ci siamo sentiti dire che addirittura la colpa è dei monaci che vogliono sovvertire il regime,però di contro è impedito a osservatori internazionali e a giornalisti liberi di andare a documentare le violenze....(dove sarebbe il problema se vermente fossero i tibetani a provocare le violenze???)
di seguito indico un link dove è possibile visualizzare alcune immagini degli scontri (alcune sono molto forti..)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Loggy Bayou Tree Stands

Free Tibet! The

Tempo fa discutevo con un idiota che aveva l'ardire di negare le centinaia di milioni di morti di cui il comunismo deve rispondere alla Storia. Bisogna proprio essere idioti per far affermazioni del genere.
Il comunismo non ha mai smesso di mietere vittime. L'ultima è il Tibet.
Da tempo la Cina ringhia sbavante contro il Tibet. Ne vuole l'annessione. La scusa ufficiale sa di ridicolo: rivendicano la proprietà del Tibet in quanto, dopo l'invasione e l'unificazione di Tibet e Cina ad opera dei mongoli (1279), i cinesi si ribellarono e cacciarono via gli invasori nel 1368 dando vita alla dinastia Ming che regnò per 300 anni circa.
I cinesi non ricordano però that in 1358 (ten years earlier) were Tibetans, under the command of Phagmo Drupa to hunt from Tibet Sakya schemes.
The truth is that Communist China can not tolerate the presence in his heart of an independent state from the system, keeping its political and religious autonomy.
STRATEGY Here is the game of action: to eradicate Tibet.
You get to say that the Dalai Lama is fomenting a group of Tibetan rebels. I no longer know what to invent. So it was obscured
internet, taken from the electricity, and a curfew imposed the People's Republic has crashed his hammer against Lhasa. The fury of the Communist
shows no mercy. Hundreds of boys e monaci sono caduti sotto i colpi dei soldati che sparano a vista e senza alcun motivo.
Da occidente il silenzio .
Un silenzio colpevole. Si teme di incrinare i rapporti con la Cina che, essendo diventata una potenza economica e militare, comincia a suscitare i pavidi timori di questo occidente smidollato. E quindi il Dalai Lama diventa un personaggio scomodo. Nessun paese lo ha ospitato. Solo Grillo e Letizia Moratti sono andati a stringergli la mano.
Nessuna carica dello stato, nessun politico.
A malincuore sono costretto a criticare anche il Papa. Neanche lui ha voluto accogliere il Dalai Lama. Il rischio era di incrinare i rapporti con la Chiesa cinese.
Quale Chiesa cinese? Gli unici sacerdoti obbedienti alla Chiesa di Roma are all in Lao-gai, the concentration camps and forced labor Chinese. The others are servants of the government: they can not hear words of condemnation against the regime. The Chinese government tries to keep good people. Spirituality is a component of a human being. Can not be denied forever with impunity a people's natural inclination to transcendence. Then the government has placed trusted men even in churches. Orwellian style.

now approaching the Olympics. A great celebration of sport, but accompanied by a very heavy business loss.

need to boycott! Each coin goes to enrich a regime that must be stopped! What our

atleti non vadano a giocare in uno stato che vuole cancellare il Tibet sterminando i tibetani.
Uno stato che obbliga all'aborto. (1)
Uno stato maschilista, dove la donna è meno di un oggetto.
Uno stato senza libertà di parola o di stampa.
Uno stato che mantiene campi di concentramento dove gli internati sono costretti a lavorare senza essere retribuiti. Questo consente alla regime comunista di esportare materiale a prezzi concorrenziali.
La condanna deve essere ferma e forte. E che la gridino tutti: capi di stato e autorità religiose!

1. che vengano boicottate le olimpiadi di Pechino
2. che vengano ritirati gli ambasciatori italiani in Cina
3. che arrivino condanne e sanzioni severe da parte delle nazioni unite
4. che, se necessario, si costituisca un esercito che prenda le difese del popolo tibetano.
Perchè esistono guerre giuste. Difendere il debole, ultima ratio anche con l'uso delle armi, è un dovere che non può lasciare indifferenti.

Tornerà a garrire la bandiera di Thubten Gyatso, per un Tibet LIBERO!

(1) Per chi volesse approfondire: cercate nel motore di ricerca interno "miserere nobis"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

First Auditions Clips

dialogue that does not want

Una delle pochissime cose che ricorderò con piacere del governo Prodi è la volontà del ministro degli esteri D'Alema a portare avanti dialogue with Hamas.
A bold statement that none of the gang of Berlusconi will never forward. Too USrAele slaves.
In a conflict the two parties and the dialogue must be dealt with both. Hamas was duly elected by the Palestinian people, but has been unable to govern because they are inconvenient for Israel. This is how the bloody conflicts that blood bath in the Holy Land.
D'Alema knew what they were facing. The Jewish communities and the media give him. Fiamma Nirenstein vomits on him his delusions.
In reality there is very little you can do: If you want to achieve peace in Palestine, the dialogue must go to Hamas. The servility toward Israel makes us accomplices extermination of the Jewish state is perpetrating against the Palestinians and, of course, there hostile to them.
This is not about to deal with terrorists. One in Palestine is a real war continued in the only way with which he can do it a third world country against the third world military power: hit and run.
The news talked about for days and days of the bomb in rabbinical school, but they forget that Israel carries out raids in Gaza and now in small territories remained under the Palestinian Authority. Every day tens of people die of starvation, when not under the modern Israeli missiles, possibly dropped from Apache helicopters flying over the territory without giving a minimum of peace to the people.
And then we are told that the missiles have been dropped in response to the firing of Qassam rockets now famous.
People think of some kind of weapon of mass destruction when he hears talk of Qassam rockets. They are just iron cylinders, often without explosives. Weapons naturally inferior to the worst parts of the arsenal also Jewish.
The solution for peace can not only go to Israel because Israel does not want peace.
His policy towards the Palestinians shows the clear desire to exterminate them.
can not afford.
So congratulations to D'Alema, and we hope that his successor will be able to continue the work that has been started.