Fried Ascoli Ascolana The mixed fry is a delicious side dish in the Marche is widely used at home, the restaurant served as an aperitif ...
These green olives, cremini, zucchini breaded and fried so that it can ... seem very simple thing, but it is not entirely true!
start with the recipe of olive, the famous stuffed olives
- approximately 500g of green olives variety of soft Ascoli (also go well with those already pitted large).
- 100 gr. Beef
- 100 gr. pork
- 100 gr. chicken
- A small stick of celery
- A carrot
- Mezza cipolla rossa
- Mezzo bicchiere d'olio e.v.o.
- Mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco
- Un uovo intero
- 50 gr. di parmigiano reggiano
- 50 gr. di mollica di pane raffermo
- sale, pepe, noce moscata q.b.
Per la panatura: - Due uova intere
- Farina q.b.
- Una confezione di pan grattato
Per friggere olio di oliva o olio di semi di arachide
Mettere l'olio in una larga padella ed aggingere il trito di cipolla sedano e carota. Far soffriggere per qualche minuto e poi aggiungere le carni tagliate a pezzi. Lasciar insaporire facendo amalgamare bene la carne al soffritto, aggiungere il bicchiere di vino e farlo evaporare. Continuare la cottura aggiungendo sale e pepe. A cottura ultimata tritare la carne finemente con il mixer ed aggiungere l'uovo, il parmigiano, la noce moscata e la mollica di pane inumidita nel latte e strizzata bene. Amalgamare bene il tutto ed iniziare a farcire le olive precedentemente denocciolate con un taglio a spirale.
Panare le olive passandole prima nella farina, poi nell'uovo battuto con un pizzico di sale, poi nel pan grattato. Friggere in abbondante olio di oliva o in quello di arachide.
recipe fried cremini - Half a liter of whole milk 4 egg
- 4 heaping tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons flour
- "00"
- The peel lemon untreated
- A vanillin
For the breading you run the same method the olives
procedure Make cream by mixing the yolks with the sugar and flour with the aid of a whip. Add the hot milk while continuing to shoot. Add the lemon zest, vanilla and place the pot on the stove while continuing to turn to avoid that the cream will stick. When it starts to boil cook for another 5-6 minutes. Pour the hot cream onto a large platter and let it cool (you should prepare cream on the day before the breading).
Cover completely with the flour and cream then cut into squares rather small. Overturn on a work surface and flour well all cremini. Mash the egg beaten and then in breadcrumbs.
Fry in plenty of olive oil or peanut oil.
To enrich this outline I added the zucchini cut into rounds with a thickness of about half a cm, I've salted and breaded by the same method of cream and olives and I always fried in plenty of olive oil ...
And here's this big pot ready Ascoli's fried! Now we have to enjoy it and possibly in the company cheer!
Good appetite!
olives photos were taken from the web.
All the others were taken by me during the preparation of the dish.