at carnival time sweetness ... with the cream!
Here are the doses
For bomblets:
2 eggs
250 ml of milk
50 gr. yeast
Half a glass of vegetable oil
4 tablespoons sugar
0.5 kg of flour "00"
For the custard:
0.5 ml of milk
4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons of flour "00"
A vanilla or lemon zest
Alchermes and sugar to decorate QB
As they prepare
Dissolve yeast in warm milk, beat the eggs with the sugar and combine everything. Add oil, flour and knead well until the mixture is soft and very smooth. Form a ball and drill a cross in the middle. Let rise for about an hour.
Take the dough, knead a bit and take small parts of trying to round them off with his hands forming into balls slightly larger than a walnut. Put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and let it rise in warm place until doubled their volume.
Scaldare il forno a 160° ed infornare le bombette lievitate facendole cuocere finché non avranno assunto un bel colore dorato.
Finchè le bombette raffreddano, preparare la crema pasticcera secondo la ricetta .
Tagliare le bombette alla base, bagnarle con un pò di alchermes e farcirle con la crema. Replace with the base, brush the top with another alchermes and pass them in granulated sugar. Put bomblets so stuffed in the cups and serve.
With this same recipe I have also made some good donuts mignon ...
After leaven the dough, form small balls a lot less of a knob and let it rise until doubled their volume. Heat oil seeds arachide in una larga e fonda padella e friggere i bomboloni avendo l'accortezza di tenere la fiamma non troppo alta per evitare che non si cuociano all'interno.
Quando avranno assunto un colore marroncino dorato scolare i bomboloni su carta assorbente.
Farcire i bomboloni con la crema pasticcera aiutandosi con una sac a poche usando il beccuccio appuntito. Passare i bomboloni nello zucchero semolato e metterli in cups.
Good stuff ... sweetness of the cream ....
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