"Con questo libro si conclude il progetto che da anni speravo di concretizzare. Un progetto sulla carta semplice ma estremamente impegnativo, visto che si trattava di descrivere, in modo abbastanza sintetico, la presenza e la storia dei reparti delle Forze Armate della Repubblica Sociale Italiana che, dopo l’8 settembre 1943, avevano combattuto su tutti i fronti in Italia: sulla Linea Gotica, sulle Alpi occidentali e nell’O.Z.A.K. Con quest’ultimo libro, dedicated to the front of the Gothic Line, we conclude this little series dedicated to all those soldiers who fought for CSR, and died in defense of the homeland. A story little known by most Italians, and many fans of history, which saw the presence of tens of thousands of soldiers in gray and with the sword in his lapel, to fight against the Allies along the ridges of the Apennines to the Tyrrhenian Sea Adriatic Sea. Most of the Italian fighters identifies CSR as soldiers used only against the partisans, in the rear of the front, or alongside the Germans in retaliation. One thing, unfortunately, common ground, the result of misinformation or, rather, the incorrect information arising from the particular political climate instituted after the war. Even on the Gothic Line, however, were the number of Italian troops, belonging to departments or autonomous divisions of Henry, who were employed in the defense of defensive positions, alongside German troops against the advancing Allies. It was an unequal struggle against the domination clearly established in all camps by the Allies that, despite everything, they had to sweat much more than expected to overcome the defensive line to be able to spread in the Po Valley and the Alps to reach the contribution made by the military of the Republic Social protection of the Gothic Line was recognized by the same German allies, of which there were awarded their decorazioni molti militari italiani. Da parte alleata, invece, molto raramente vengono citati i reparti della R.S.I. che hanno combattuto sulla Gotica, forse perché “brucia” il dover ammettere di essere usciti, in più occasioni, sconfitti nei numerosi scontri avvenuti durante i lunghi mesi di combattimenti fino all’aprile 1945".
Forze Armate della R.S.I. sulla Linea Gotica
di Carlo Cucut
Brossura 16,5 x 24 cm.
pag. 358 con oltre 430 foto b/n
Prezzo: €28,00
Stampato nel 2011 da Marvia
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