Ultimi giorni di carnevale, ultimi dolci golosi, golosi...
4 uova
4 cucchiai di zucchero
50 gr. di burro
4 cucchiai di mistrĂ
Buccia grattugiata di arancio e limone
500 gr. circa di farina "00"
Una bustina di lievito in polvere per dolci
Un litro di olio di semi di arachide per friggere
Mezzo litro di crema pasticcera (la ricetta la trovate qui)
vanilla sugar to taste
Beat eggs with sugar, add slowly, slowly the flour, butter, anisette, lemon and orange peel, and finally the baking powder.
Put the dough on a work surface and knead a bit with hands. Roll out the dough about 1 cm thick. and, using a glass cut it in many forms according to your taste.
Put plenty of peanut oil in a large frying pan and founded and bring to a boil but not too much.
Put down shaking the pan and fry cutters to cover with more oil.
Once you reach the golden, drain on absorbent paper and the scroccafusi them cool for a while before you stuff them.
With the aid of a pastry bag, fill with the cream scroccafusi pastry you have previously prepared according to the recipe indicated. Sprinkle con zucchero vanigliato e servire...
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