ROME, May 17, 2008 - Minister of Youth, the Hon Giorgia Meloni (pictured above, note) said in a statement: "This event can only affect our hearts and leave us full of sorrow, but we are conscious that the sacrifice and commitment of Andrew and these men need to combat the spread of international terrorism: Unfortunately, every war has its own stock and injured. The Alpine troops, since their constitution, they erect a defense of the values \u200b\u200bof democracy and peace typical of our ancient Christian civilization, now more than ever, such efforts are present. My thoughts - continued the new Minister - in these sad moments, can not reserve a warm welcome to that body, which clearly embodies our tradition: hard work, commitment, spirit of service and sacrifice. These are the qualities that have always the Alpine provide the less fortunate, and this was also the case in Afghanistan. Together with leaders and Torelli Procaccini - concluded the Minister, and National President of Youth Action, Giorgia Meloni -, mean trasmettere il nostro dolore e il sentimento di vicinanza ai famigliari delle vittime e dei feriti». Il consigliere comunale di Pontinia, Paolo Torelli e la federazione provinciale di Azione Giovani, esprimono il loro sostegno e la volontà di non abbandonare mai i propri eroi militari. «L’alpino Andrea Tomasello, fratello nostro, oltre che ad essere l’orgoglio di Pontinia e della provincia di Latina, è e deve essere un simbolo per tutti noi giovani. Personalmente stimo ed ammiro moltissimo Andrea, ragazzo che alla vita normale e tranquilla, ha preferito combattere per donare la pace a quelle popolazioni assediate dalla tirannia e dal terrorismo» afferma Torelli. «Questa notizia ci ha profondamente addolorato perché, non solo is a guy who lives in our province, but because it is a great military and a brave fighter who has dedicated himself to build the peace, even in areas otherwise tumultuous and doomed to instability, "says Nicholas Procaccini, Provincial President of AG.
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