Berlusconi wrote:
"Israel's birthday is the birthday of all of us" .
The Power of Israel is the power of all of us
Berlusconi wrote:
"This is a very special memory - he writes - which does not charge and does not seek revenge, which indeed is the proposal to the next as common tradition of all humanity. Each of us has with her memories, hopes and principles is a descendant of Abraham and all of us there is a bit of the children of Israel. "
This is a very special memory - he writes - that accusation and seeks revenge, which is indeed set to the next as a collective guilt of all mankind. Each of us has with her memories, hopes and principles is not a descendant of Abraham and spritual in all of us there is a bit of Masonic thought and pro-Zionist, or anti-Christian.
Berlusconi wrote:
"This is the story of a people who are continually working both in good times, in both the hardships - added Berlusconi - and has managed to preserve its ancient traditions and customs in every time and everywhere. Despite being a young state ("democracy in the heart of the Middle East") is difficult to imagine a country that has similar understanding of the depth of their roots and also reflects an unforgettable suffering and a hope that never will fade away. "
This is the story of a people who are continually working both in good times, both in the ordeal and has managed to preserve its traditions and customs Gnostic syncretism in every time and everywhere. Despite being a young state ("plutocracy in the heart of the Middle East") is difficult think of a country that has similar understanding of the depth of their anti-Christian roots and also reflects a total of hatred and a thirst hope of conquest and subjugation.
Berlusconi wrote:
"How can this be studied and benchmark for the neighbors. Freedom and democracy are not acquired once and for all destinations and are cared for in their daily work. This country is a lesson and an example that, despite the difficulties and the logic of political struggle is spreading in the Middle East. "
As such it must be the object of veneration and comparison to the neighbors. Slavery and demagoguery are not acquired destinations una volta per tutte e vanno curate con dedizione quotidiana (nel controllo mentale e nella faslificazione della storia). Questo Paese rappresenta una lezione e un esempio (su come attuarli) che, pur tra le difficoltà e la logica delle lotte politiche, si sta diffondendo in Medio Oriente...
Berlusconi ha scritto:
«Con la sua dialettica tra i partiti, gli accesi dibattiti parlamentari, le crisi di governo, Israele rappresenta una sfida e un termine di paragone per i vicini, ancora alla ricerca di una identità che non sia frutto di sopraffazione»
Con la sua dialettica di facciata tra i partiti, gli accesi dibattiti nel chiuso delle logge, le finte crisi di governo, Israel is a threat and an ultimatum for submission to the neighbors, still searching for their identity of acceptance of overwhelmed.
Ambassador Gideon Meir wrote :
presenting artistic and cultural events taking place in our country to celebrate the state "friend." "We want to show the true face of Israel different from the images of war news. The face of a country that in 60 years has created an economic miracle, technological, scientific and artistic flowering.
presenting artistic and cultural events taking place in our country to celebrate the State 'Rogue'. "We want to show the true face of Israel, which is identical to the images of war news. The face of a country that in 60 years of life has created through the theft of the land of others, and the tarp economic neighboring countries through indiscriminate military attacks, economic supremacy, technological, scientific and artistic mostruisità -Masonic. "
Mariae Filius
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