The choice is due homage to this great soldier, who has done so much for our Homeland. Even if you chose the resistance, it remains a great Italian.
September 8, 1943: Maj. Paul Caccia Dominioni, engineer, architect and veteran of three wars, is doing, along with some loyalists, the only way it deems consistent with the oath: it becomes "rebellious" and gives the spot , animating and controlling the section of the 106th Brigade Garibaldi nervianese and later as Chief of Staff of the CVL - Freedom Corps Volunteer, organizes and manages the entire apparatus partisan in Lombardy. In parallel to the narrative of guerrilla warfare and propaganda, and personal vicissitudes (arrested, tortured and detained twice) the terms of the versatile prose writer returns unchanged vivid and grim, bleak and terrifying atmosphere of the period, with news of death, torture, deportation, loss of relatives, friends and comrades. Hand in hand we are witnessing the maturation of the ideals and the progressive disenchantment of the fighter in front of the excesses and the betrayal of the values \u200b\u200bof resistance already in place towards the end of war. In addition to the text, over 70 sketches, maps and line drawings in the unmistakable style of the author and a useful index.
Title: Alpine into hiding. Chronicles of hiding
1943-45 Author: Paul Caccia Dominioni
Publisher: Libreria Editrice Militare
Released: 2010
Pages: 336
Price: € 25.00
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