For starters named Clara, not Clarence. So she wants to be called. So called Mussolini the 318 letters he wrote between October 10, 1943 and April 18, 1945, during the six hundred days of the Republic of Salò. From the bottom Petacci, stored in folders by sixty Central State Archive, shows that personal correspondence is intended to change the historical image of Clara Petacci and, together, to rewrite the clichés of the "republic of Mussolini." Why Clara, total fascist and anti-Semitic, is revealed in the letters not only confidant sentimental but also political adviser, interpreter of the thought of privileged Duce, as her first lover in office. The letters reveal two certainties: Clara, Mussolini is a myth, renewed daily, in an unstoppable flow of words, for Mussolini, Clara is the last resort and existential feel the world collapse around him. It was true love. Too. A Salo sex is used as a weapon to continue politics by other means. Max, in fact, is the vigilance of Clara for occasional lovers and the occasional Duce. Love and politics, activism and passion, sex and ideology: the relationship between Clara and Benito Salò was not a simple love story because the policy they have been the engine to the end, when the big scene in Piazzale Loreto - impressing the seal of history - has turned into a symbolic and indissoluble bond.
Title: L 'last letter to Benito. Mussolini and Petacci: love and politics in Salò 1943-45
Authors: Pasquale Chessa, Rays
Barbara Publisher: Mondadori
Released: 2010
Pages: 226
* Price: € 19.50
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