Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ideas On How To Make A 3d Tractor Cake

Mushrooms' Abbot

mushrooms and Fall time this morning on Rai 2 during the program "Morning in the family" could not be submitted recipe more in line with the season: MUSHROOMS ABA ... and I, I just realized ... for you!


4 mushrooms "champignon" big enough
maciata A beautiful black olives pitted
A clove of garlic or a small onion
3 tablespoons bread crumbs
A sprig of parsley
An egg
oil Salt and pepper to taste Method

Wash mushrooms well under running water, pat dry and discard the stem, being careful not to break them. Drain the mushrooms, removing the dark strip the stems and mince finely. Chop the olives, garlic (or onions) and parsley. .

Putting it all together in a bowl and add egg, bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Mix the stuffing and stuff the mushroom got emptied. Grease a baking dish with oil, place the mushrooms and sprinkle with more olive oil. Put the pan in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

mushrooms are well out of the oven be baked on the surface and serve piping hot.

If you want to serve this side dish so a little more fancy, sprinkle the dish with chopped parsley and then laid the mushrooms and drizzle with the sauce cooking ...

Bon appetit!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

La Boxing Membership Fees

prison camp ZONDERWATER:

Far from home, from suffering. But even away from the battle, by adrenaline of the front. They were soldiers in the prime of youth, those between 1941 and 1947 found themselves Zonderwater exiled in South Africa. A generation locked up in the field that hosted the highest number of Italian prisoners of war, almost one hundred thousand out of a total of over six hundred thousand: a open-air prison, so remote as to have left few traces even in the history books. In a lunar landscape, arid and bombarded by lightning, the Italians had to invent a way to survive hunger, disease, boredom, nostalgia of his country (and the lack of women). He had accepted a barren plateau dotted with tents: their departure, six years later, they left a real town, with brick buildings, two hospitals, thirty kilometers of roads, schools, fifteen, twenty-two theaters, a monument. It was an enlightened leader, Colonel Fredrik Hendrik Prinsloo, to understand that these young men first had to restore a normal life. So he chose sport as an ally promoted races fencing, athletics, gymnastics, as well as a football league lived with such passion to turn into the brightest stars among the prisoners. (Foreword by Gian Antonio Stella)

Title Devils of Zonderwater. 1941-1947. The history of Italian prisoners in South Africa who survived the war through sport
Author Annese Carlo
Price € 18.50
Prices in other currencies
Year 2010
Publisher Sperling & Kupfer (series tests)

Patricia Manterola En Bikini

OVARO, FRIULI: ITS NOT FORGET TO Massacre (new editorial 1)

Primo e due maggio 1945. L'attenzione viene concentrata su questi soli due giorni con il proposito di ridare memoria alla controversa vicenda dell'eccidio di Ovaro. Viene così ricostruito lo scenario e la puntuale scansione dei tempi e degli eventi. La Liberazione è imminente. I poteri civili non sono stati rinnovati. Le diverse forze partigiane operano in assenza di un comando unico. La controparte, costituita dall'intero corpo cosacco di occupazione, si prepara all'esodo e usa una via di ritirata del tutto imprevedibile che coinvolge anche Ovaro.

Titolo Le due giornate di Ovaro. Friuli: cosacchi, partigiani e civili in un paese in fiamme (1-2 maggio 1945)
Autore Di Sopra Luciano; Cozzi Rodolfo
Prezzo € 18,00
Prezzi in altre valute
Dati 2010, 236 p., ill., brossura, 2 ed.
Editore Aviani

Where Are Champiro Tires Made


Come la Resistenza anche il Risorgimento, a 150 anni dall'Unità d'Italia, è negato. Dalla Lega, dalla sinistra, che con il Risorgimento è sempre stata critica, e dalla destra di Berlusconi. Ma oggi è in dubbio perfino la sopravvivenza stessa della nazione, stemperata nell'Europa e nel mondo globale, frammentata dalle leghe, dai particolarismi, dai campanili. Aldo Cazzullo ha scritto un libro di storia e, insieme, politico: il racconto - privo di retorica e ricco di tanti dettagli curiosi - dell'idea di patria, dei protagonisti del Risorgimento and of the Resistance fighters who died shouting "Long live Italy" with a chapter on the Great War - uniformed Ungaretti, Gadda outraged by "The Great War" by Monicelli which considers unpatriotic - and a chapter on the fallen of Iraq and of 'Afghanistan. Next to the story, a strong political argument in defense of national unity and a historical fact: in different periods Italians demonstrated their ability to fight for an idea of \u200b\u200bItaly that was not just that of the beautiful country and the "keep the family." Title
Long live Italy! Author
Aldo Cazzullo
Price € 18.50
Mondadori Editore
Date 26/10/2010 Pages 168

Betsey Johnson Diaper Bag

Risotto with pumpkin flowers

Here is a recipe not exactly typical of this season ... but, as the flowers still easy to find, I tried to cook a good risotto, tasty and colorful .. .

Ingredientiper 4 people

350g of rice for risotto carnaroli
a bunch of zucchini squash blossoms
A small onion
A thick slice of ham 2-3 ml
Half a glass of white wine
3-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 liter of vegetable broth
A knob of butter Salt and pepper to taste


Place a steel pot on the stove, add 'oil with diced onion, diced zucchini, prosciutto into small pieces and fry for a few moments. Add rice, let it cook for a few minutes and deglaze with wine.
Start adding the hot broth, stirring the whole time to time and adjust salt and pepper. Continue adding the broth until cooked.

Now add to risotto with the butter and pumpkin flowers in small pieces.

Mix everything well, Serve and garnish with other flowers placed atop the entire pumpkin risotto.

The dish is ready, bon appetit!

Friday, October 22, 2010

How Long Do Moles Last On Lip

Spaghetti with seafood

Cooking fish is one of my passions, and especially cooking pasta ...
Today I propose full spaghetti with seafood cooked in a wok.

The wok is a pan "special" with which to obtain a fast food, healthy and tasty.
Before starting the preparation of this recipe or other foods, it is useful to have the tools and all the ingredients available, and in this case you need: 300g of squid
  • 4-5 shrimp or sea cicadas
  • Half kg of mussels
  • Half a glass of extra virgin olive oil
  • A large clove of garlic
  • Half a glass of white wine, tomatoes
  • like "piccadilly"
  • finely chopped parsley Salt to taste
  • , chilli
  • concave with a spatula every now and then in turn the sauce during cooking.

Clean the squid, mussels and shrimp and put everything to drain for a while. Put the oil in a wok with chopped garlic and fry lightly. Please add the squid pieces, the canocchie ed infine le cozze con mezzo guscio. Far insaporire per qualche minuto e poi sfumare con il vino bianco.



Unire i pomodorini tagliati in piccoli pezzi, regolare di sale e peperoncino ed ultimare la cottura aggiungendo ogni tanto un pò d'acqua tiepida.


Cook the spaghetti in whole salted water, drain when al dente in a wok with the sauce and cook them quickly over high heat. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve immediately.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Punishible By Death Bible

Fried Ascoli

Ascolana The mixed fry is a delicious side dish in the Marche is widely used at home, the restaurant served as an aperitif ...
These green olives, cremini, zucchini breaded and fried so that it can ... seem very simple thing, but it is not entirely true!

start with the recipe of olive, the famous stuffed olives


  • approximately 500g of green olives variety of soft Ascoli (also go well with those already pitted large).
  • 100 gr. Beef
  • 100 gr. pork
  • 100 gr. chicken
  • A small stick of celery
  • A carrot
  • Mezza cipolla rossa
  • Mezzo bicchiere d'olio e.v.o.
  • Mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco
  • Un uovo intero
  • 50 gr. di parmigiano reggiano
  • 50 gr. di mollica di pane raffermo
  • sale, pepe, noce moscata q.b.
Per la panatura:
  •  Due uova intere
  • Farina q.b.
  • Una confezione di pan grattato
Per friggere olio di oliva o olio di semi di arachide

Mettere l'olio in una larga padella ed aggingere il trito di cipolla sedano e carota. Far soffriggere per qualche minuto e poi aggiungere le carni tagliate a pezzi.  Lasciar insaporire facendo amalgamare bene la carne al soffritto, aggiungere il bicchiere di vino e farlo evaporare. Continuare la cottura aggiungendo sale e pepe. A cottura ultimata tritare la carne finemente con il mixer ed aggiungere l'uovo, il parmigiano, la noce moscata e la mollica di pane inumidita  nel latte e strizzata bene. Amalgamare bene il tutto ed iniziare a farcire le olive precedentemente denocciolate con un taglio a spirale.

Panare le olive passandole prima nella farina, poi nell'uovo battuto con un pizzico di sale, poi nel pan grattato. Friggere in abbondante olio di oliva o in quello di arachide.

recipe fried cremini

  • Half a liter of whole milk 4 egg
  • 4 heaping tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons flour
  • "00"
  • The peel lemon untreated
  • A vanillin
For the breading you run the same method the olives


Make cream by mixing the yolks with the sugar and flour with the aid of a whip. Add the hot milk while continuing to shoot. Add the lemon zest, vanilla and place the pot on the stove while continuing to turn to avoid that the cream will stick. When it starts to boil cook for another 5-6 minutes. Pour the hot cream onto a large platter and let it cool (you should prepare cream on the day before the breading).

Cover completely with the flour and cream then cut into squares rather small. Overturn on a work surface and flour well all cremini. Mash the egg beaten and then in breadcrumbs.
Fry in plenty of olive oil or peanut oil.

To enrich this outline I added the zucchini cut into rounds with a thickness of about half a cm, I've salted and breaded by the same method of cream and olives and I always fried in plenty of olive oil ...

And here's this big pot ready Ascoli's fried! Now we have to enjoy it and possibly in the company cheer!
Good appetite!

olives photos were taken from the web.
All the others were taken by me during the preparation of the dish.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Berger Painting Vdo Clips


After a long absence I'm here to propose a new recipe: a dessert easy to make and very tasty it will all agree ... THE PODS ... be stuffed with ice cream, with whipped cream, Nutella and mascarpone with the way you want ... or you.

Ingredients: 4 egg whites

100g of butter.
100g vanilla sugar. of flour "00"
lemon peel and orange zest


in a porcelain container you put the butter cut into small pieces and leave it until it became soft, soft. United egg whites, sugar, flour and lemon peel ela gratttugiata. With an electric mixer fitted together until creamy beautiful soft and smooth. Take a square tin and line with greaseproof paper. With a spoon, taken a bit of the mixture, Do piles of parchment paper and spread it over one by one in order to obtain the rather thin round shapes.

Put the pan in a preheated oven at 200 ° and brown the waffles cook for about 5 minutes. With the help of a knife quickly raised waffles on one side and roll them in the shape of a cone. Soon will be crisp and cold crumbly, so you can fill in your favorite way: I put the custard in a pastry bag and I stuffed waffles as you can see in the picture.

With this recipe, I wish you all Happy and Holy Sunday and also ... GOOD DESSERT!