Friday, December 24, 2010

Adult Breast Feeding Fetishes Caught On Camera

yule logs

a Christmas cake!

Here's what you need

For the biscuit pan
4 eggs
75 grams of flour "00"
teaspoon baking powder
75 grams of potato starch
150 grams of sugar

For the filling:
250 ml of whole milk
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
A vanillin

chantilly cream
250 ml of whipped cream

For the frosting
Dark chocolate
milk taste

Alchermes qbper wet the sponge biscuit


Making biscuit pan beat the eggs with sugar until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Add slowly, slowly the flour mixed with starch, turning from the bottom up so as not to deflate the mixture. Add the yeast and pour it on a baking sheet about 40 cm square on the side covered with baking paper and bake for about 10 minutes at 160 degrees.
overthrow the oven and pan cookie on a slightly damp kitchen towel and roll it up.

Make the custard by following the recipe above, let it cool completely and add the cream mounted with the aid of electric whips.
Soak the pan with the cookie and fill with cream alchermes chantliiy.

Arrotolarlo, riflilare con un coltello i bordi e ricoprirlo con una glassa  ottenuta sciogliendo il cioccolato fondente con un pò di latte.
Decorare con un pò di panna montata e delle roselline che troverete già pronte  al super mercato.
Far solidificare la superficie del tronchetto e consumare questo delizioso dolce accompagnato da un bel bicchiere di spumante ...



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