Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Discount Coupons For Zshred


( photo from )

The year is almost gone: the old days to cure the blog, but few were ever made exemplary way in bringing awareness to the bottom of old books and new CSR and Tenth. I could insert (and insert) other rare books and old, how could I put my last major purchase, but I chose something that many know to have seen at various sites and reading articles about and that few know of the existence of some books merit. I'm going to report you a few pages of the book eloquently entitled "Mussolini's political testament," dictation, corrected and signed three days before the end of the Social Republic thanks to the journalist Gian Gaetano Cubello: Witness the direct creator of this document and book three years after the war. Despite some errors and departments on developing countries, crippled names and phrases, il Cubella si ritrova a compilare insieme al Duce le ultime parole in testamento vero e proprio che lo ricorregge il giorno dopo, in quella che per il giornalista, sarà un presentimento della sua ultima visione verso il Mussolini. Ma andiamo ai particolari del testamento cercando di analizzare le sue parole con le trattative con il Cardinale Shuster e sull'assicurazione di non veder versato nemmeno una goccia di sangue. Purtroppo come Mussolini affermerà, il cardinale seppur sia una persona viscida (quando il fascismo andava bene fu un sostenitore e lo esponeva) è un ministro di Dio e quindi credibile a quello che dirà, anche se sbaglierà sul conto del sangue sparso, tra fascisti e antifascisti, gente dell'ultima ora, criminali e gente avara di opportunism (my words). Italy remembers crying on the non-Italian participation in the scandal almost beside the victorious Germany, on having made a choice to avoid being treated as a country with no right to speak and then the war is on, the same people told him that he made a big mistake to wage war against the British and French (unfortunately methods are still in existence).
see a thesis on the victory and failure in terms of division between Italy and Germany in Europe if they were to share the continent (here I must acknowledge that it could also be implemented, but more for the benefit of the Germans). Azzeccherà and judge us, peace that will bring the winners in illusive and ephemeral and prophetically judge its fascist idea as the most daring and original idea Mediterranean and affirm that history will give reason, that his star fade but not the thought and fear will still be dead (if today's opponents a notch with the "fascist "or that they always use this word is obvious that they have so much fear and if I say that they are not fascist, I think I hit the view of these" champions of fools "). In discussions with the Cubello, it strikes me to admit to having believed on the Italian people who listened to his words that thrilled to have grasped by understanding the thought oratory of the Duce, but he changed his mind when he realized at last that many flocked to hear its speeches were made by "collective hysteria" (Italy ever). He returned to the enemies who would meet friends to defeat the Nazi-Fascism, which will have huge problems between them, creating another war in the future (the third was not there, but that cold is really existed), distinguishing the difference between capitalists, colonialists and proletarian (Churchill knew it, alluding to the Soviets, said confidentially that he had killed the wrong pig). in the interview - he will confide in a young Italian people and in restoring luster to the new one will care that twenty years of Fascism has not been able to do and that he failed to make the cure (sorry for him, but This young man did not know who he was thinking of De Gasperi, Andreotti, Craxi, Berlusconi and Prodi. for me, clinicians have become clinically dead care for the nation). Continue with the socialization
world - national, with the freedom of the press, of thought over words (we acknowledge that the opponents have been accused for years)
, the right to profess religious ending with the claim to have brought honor, decency and dignity a church that has turned the stables, for personal gain. Talk about old and new traitors, people who had luster thanks to him and the difference between the north and south, stating that despite the bombing attacks partisans and hunger, the Socialist Republic ruled as a de facto state, preventing inflation that the new winners have also led to the north after Mussolini. They, the Italians will be many who mourn with Mussolini fascism, will years later, to think that after Mussolini was right indeed (his name is still afraid today and many still regret it, because the people are still a populace).
In the end the test and see him the next day, making sure the work done, he told the reporter that in case of loss or death, his will was to be hidden for three years, so the little book that we offer on the blog, was Tosi made in publishing in Rome in 1948 and was not by coincidence, but as one of the last Benito Mussolini will of a neighbor to death.

Paper found on the "Maremagnum" that can be taken with different prices. Page 64, attached to the original text and a picture with a lot of dedication to the journalist, I advised him to have it in your hands, as cult book of that last moment of life of a man and a state.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fleetwood Trailer Manual Archive

cheerful. ..

And also very tasty!

How do you prepare?

All you need is:
  • type winter salad (endive)
  • 3-4 slices of bacon
  • Some walnut kernel
  • 2-3 slices of stale bread
  • oil, salt, balsamic vinegar


Wash the salad and let it drain well. Fry the slices of bacon cut into strips in a saucepan with a little oil. Cut the bread slices into cubes and toast in the pan after removing the speck. Crush the nuts and get about a dozen kernels. Put the salad in a bowl, combine speck, walnuts, bread cubes, and finally the salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix well and serve.

With this recipe to be able to eat salad at all ...

And with real taste! Try it ...

Cost To Purchase Lightsheer Diode

Fettuccine with sausage and mushrooms

a recipe calorie ... ... but tasty and fast to build!

Serves 4 opersone

Half kg of fresh egg fettuccine
3-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 sausages
A package of frozen mushrooms from 300 gr.
200 grams of tomatoes
50 gr. parmesan
A tablespoon of grated pecorino
A splash of cognac
Salt and pepper to taste
One tablespoon finely chopped parsley

thaw slightly mushrooms and chop coarsely. Heat oil with garlic in a large pan, add the sausage and crumble the help of just adding a bit of hot water.

Blend with the cognac, add mushrooms and chopped tomatoes. Add salt and pepper.
Continue cooking, adding, if necessary, a ladle of hot water to prevent the sauce is too dry.

cooked, add the chopped parsley. Meanwhile, boil the fettuccine in plenty of boiling salted water and drain into the pan with the sauce obtained. Sauté briefly and add the two grated cheeses. Serve immediately.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Adult Breast Feeding Fetishes Caught On Camera

yule logs

a Christmas cake!

Here's what you need

For the biscuit pan
4 eggs
75 grams of flour "00"
teaspoon baking powder
75 grams of potato starch
150 grams of sugar

For the filling:
250 ml of whole milk
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
A vanillin

chantilly cream
250 ml of whipped cream

For the frosting
Dark chocolate
milk taste

Alchermes qbper wet the sponge biscuit


Making biscuit pan beat the eggs with sugar until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Add slowly, slowly the flour mixed with starch, turning from the bottom up so as not to deflate the mixture. Add the yeast and pour it on a baking sheet about 40 cm square on the side covered with baking paper and bake for about 10 minutes at 160 degrees.
overthrow the oven and pan cookie on a slightly damp kitchen towel and roll it up.

Make the custard by following the recipe above, let it cool completely and add the cream mounted with the aid of electric whips.
Soak the pan with the cookie and fill with cream alchermes chantliiy.

Arrotolarlo, riflilare con un coltello i bordi e ricoprirlo con una glassa  ottenuta sciogliendo il cioccolato fondente con un pò di latte.
Decorare con un pò di panna montata e delle roselline che troverete già pronte  al super mercato.
Far solidificare la superficie del tronchetto e consumare questo delizioso dolce accompagnato da un bel bicchiere di spumante ...


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Davicom Cnet Cn200 Pro Fast Ethernet Adaptervista

Lasagnette bicolor boar

For a first course on Sunday with a strong taste and quite light but with the cold which is what it takes!


For the dough
4 eggs 400 gr. of flour "0"
250 gr. Spinach

For the sauce
1 kg of wild boar
Un bicchiere  di vino bianco
Mezzo bicchiere di olio e.v.o.
Una costa di Sedano
Una carota e una cipolla
2-3 foglie di alloro
Bacche di ginepro
Una decina di pomodorini
Sale e pepe q.b.

Per la marinata
Un litro di vino bianco
Sedano, carota e cipolla

La sera precedente alla preparazione del piatto, mettere il cinghiale tagliato in grossi pezzi, a marinare in un tegame capiente e a bordi alti avendo cura di coprire bene la carne con il wine and all the herbs coarsely chopped.
The day after preparing the dough for lasagne mixing 200 gr. of flour with two eggs and a pinch of salt and the other 200 gr. with two previously boiled eggs and spinach and smoothies and a pinch of salt.

Let the dough rest for at least two hours in a pouch for food to be frozen.
Drain the boar marinata, asciugarlo bene con carta assorbente da cucina. Preparare un trito con sedano, carota e cipolla e metterlo a soffriggere con l'olio  in un largo tegame.  Aggiungere i pezzi di  cinghiale, lasciarli insaporire e sfumare con il vino bianco, salare, pepare ed unire le bacche di ginepro e l'alloro. Coprire con acqua calda e lasciar cuocere a fuoco lento per circa  tre ore.


Meanwhile rolling dough, let it dry, fold it over itself and cut the lasagne just over 1 cm wide.

Pull up all the meat, cut into small pieces and put it back into the pan with the sauce. Add the tomatoes and finish cooking. Cucere the lasagne in salted water, drain when al dente and season with the sauce.

Eat this dish with a good red wine ...


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mustafa Gold Singapore

aviation national republic, hunting un'aeronautica

since December 2010 is on sale the new monograph by Daniel Lembo, published for the types of Delta publisher of Parma and entitled "NRA air force fighter." A publication of

as elegant and rich beyond measure, in which about two hundred in fifty pages and images viene raccontata la nascita e la storia di quella che fu l’Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana della Repubblica Sociale Italiana.

Mussolini, liberato dalla prigionia del Gran Sasso, intuisce la prima cosa da fare per lo Stato Repubblicano di nuova costituzione è di ritornare al combattimento a fianco dei tedeschi. Già 18 settembre, parlando agli italiani alla radio dalla Germania, affermerà che bisogna: “Riprendere le armi a fianco della Germania, del Giappone e degli altri alleati; soltanto il sangue può cancellare una pagina così obbrobriosa della nostra storia. Preparare senza indugio la riorganizzazione delle nostre Forze Armate………”

Le Forze Armate della R.S.I. nasceranno by a decree of the Head of State Republican, issued October 27, 1943, is intended to take effect the next day. The Republican National Aviation birth is a key to the ten. Col. Ernesto Botto, the legendary "Iron Leg", a man who continued to fly and fight even though he lost a leg in Spain. Botto, making its strong reputation, is launching a proclamation to invite all'arruolamento nell'ANR pilots and technical personnel. It will be because of that proclamation if, in October 1943, are presented at the Torino Mirafiori, the first men. Not enough to make an air force pilots, but we need the machines and Ernesto Botto, who was appointed State Secretary of the Air Force in the government of the Republic of Mussolini, is committed to finding the aircraft for its Air Force Republican. Initially, managed to recover about seventy-five fighters of various types (Fiat G55 Centauro, Macchi 205 and Reggiani 2005). Will these devices that will form the nucleus of the NRA.

After that, the Secretary Botto, puts the record straight with "allies" Germans, letting them know that the NRA is not the subject of a State Armed Forces of Germany. Will be respected as an ally and wants to return, not only of material predated flight by the Germans immediately after the September 8, but also that of Italian personnel has been recruited, often by force, the Luftwaffe.

for his intransigence, Botto will not last long in office and will be forced to leave the Undersecretariat in early March 1944, but now someone has made it clear to Germany that the NRA is not intended to be a branch of the Italian Air Force. The following summer, General Wolfram von Richthofen, commander of Luftflotte 2 in Italy, put the plan into action "Phonix", which aims to incorporate the NRA in the Luftwaffe, transforming it into a Legion Italian Air Force whose pilots would be forced to wear German uniform and take an oath to Hitler. The answer

given by the Italians will be tough and effective, compelling, even by force, to withdraw to the German to his intentions.

In essence, the NRA will be divided into three groups hunting. The Group 1 is Campoformido, has Macchi 205 and Me 109G squadrons and is articulated on "Ace of Wands", "The wasp incacchiata" and "Archer". The 2nd group is in Bresso, has Fiat G 55 and Me 109G and is divided on the squadrons' Gigi three Osei "," Red Devils "and" leg iron. Finally, the 3rd Group in Vicenza is also divided into three squadrons, but will never be fully operational. In addition to the three groups mentioned are also working on a Squadriglia Autonoma Caccia G 55 Fiat Mirafiori and a Night Fighter Squadron Autonoma in Bresso on Me 109G, Cr 42, RE 2001. The training is given to a hunting Complementary Training Hunting Group, consisting of four squadrons:

Of Aviation squadrons Republican, in addition to the above, also belong to a group Torpedo Bombers Lonate Pozzolo, a bomber squadron in Lonate Pozzolo, three groups of transport (Trabuccco, and Terry De Camillis), Department Connection (RAC Aero Department Connection) and a Department Gliders. For completeness, we must remember that they are also framed the Air North il Reggimento Arditi Paracadutisti, la Divisione Contraerea e Antiparacadutisti “Aquila” e l’Artiglieria Contraerea, meglio conosciuta come Ar.Co.

L’unica Squadriglia da bombardamento, intitolata ad Ettore Muti, non sarà mai impiegata, i gruppi da trasporto Terracciano, Trabucchi e De Camillis troveranno, invece, grande impiego operativo venendo utilizzati sui cieli di Finlandia, Polonia , Prussia, Ucraina e Bielorussia e rendendosi utilissimi ai tedeschi, per conto dei quali effettuano trasporti di uomini e materiali. Infine, il Gruppo Aerosiluranti, intitolato a “Buscaglia”, è comandato da Carlo Faggioni,sarà impiegato contro la testa di ponte di Anzio e su Gibilterra.

Benché l’A.N.R., come abbiamo visto, annoveri nelle sue file reparti da bombardamento, trasporto e aerosiluramento, la sua peculiarità è quella di essere, essenzialmente, un’aeronautica da caccia.

Il ruolo primario svolto dai suoi piloti starà nel contrasto allo strapotere dei bombardieri angloamericani che martirizzano le città del nord attaccando non solo complessi industriali italiani ma anche obiettivi civili e non disdegnando di abbassarsi a mitragliare il singolo ciclista che percorre la strada di campagna. Sembra, addirittura, che le vittime preferite dai “liberatori” siano proprio gli insediamenti civili del nord, dove fanno strage tra la popolazione. In totale, i bombardieri dei "Liberators" will make approximately 64,000 civilian casualties, among whom there will be the 200 children of primary school district Gorla (Milan) that will hit October 20, 1944.

The fighter pilots of the NRA will try desperately to fight an enemy who leads a terrorist-style air war, an effort that will become truly learn when, in late '44, the 2 nd Luftflotte will be completely moved to Germany, leaving to defend themselves against the Italian skies barbarians came from the sea. The activities of the NRA hunters will be nothing short of heroic, always finding himself in combat in terms of numerical inferiority against the huge concentrazioni di velivoli dell’USAAF che si presentano sempre fortemente scortate sopra i cieli dell’Italia del nord.

Quando tutto sarà finito, quando quella guerra sarà terminata, la fine si tramuterà, per i militari che hanno aderito alla R.S.I., in un bagno di sangue. Che fine faranno gli uomini dell’Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana?

Ebbene, finita quella guerra, chi ha avuto il coraggio di saltare per tempo sul carro del vincitore, avrà anche l’ardire di emanare leggi e di istituire tribunali per colpire chi, invece, ha come unica colpa quella di aver voluto difendere la Patria.

I piloti dell’A.N.R. che riusciranno a sfuggire alla “giustizia” of the winners - will be the famous case of summary execution Visconti - will be sent for trial by military tribunals and the offense will have to answer "collaboration".

E 'to clarify, once and for all, that the choice made by these men, to join the North Aviation, has no political affiliations but is dictated exclusively by military reasons. They see their cities bombed and they decide to do that for which they were trained to defend life and honor of their people.

Louis Gorrini, the gold medal with the first flying Fighter Group, in an interview some time ago, he would declare: "We we had no party, we will defend the Italian cities by the bombing of the liberators, our homes and our honor. Everyone knew the war was lost to El-Alamein and I have lost twice, on 8 September and 25 April. But then again, what I did then ... those tons of bombs in less that we avoided in our city, this is an undeniable historical merit. I do not lower my eyes in front of anyone and I did it again. "

are words that do not allow replicas and one can only say thanks to men like Major Visconti will continue to rise into the sky, one against one hundred , in a desperate defense of Italy. E 'of these things is largely the most recent volume of Daniel Lembo.

NRA HUNTING Ave, Delta Publishing (Supplement to Aircraft in History No 75 December 2010 - gern. 2011) 52 pages € 7

I newsstands, or order at the Delta Ed Parma No Royal Village 21 - tel. 0521 287883

Monday, December 6, 2010

Outline On Basketball

delicious cake with orange cream ganache

This is something really "delicious" ...

cake for 8-10 people

For the sponge cake
3 eggs 150 gr.
75gr caster sugar. 00
flour 75gr of potato starch
30g cocoa
Two teaspoons of baking powder for cakes

For the cream ganache
150 gr. white chocolate
500ml double cream cake
A packet of hazelnuts
A tube of liquid chocolate for decorations

Make the sponge by beating the eggs with sugar until the mixture is quite swollen and frothy. Mix the two flours and adds them slowly, slowly to the mixture stirring with a fork from the bottom up to prevent the dough apart. Also add the sifted cocoa and then the yeast. Pour into a buttered mold and dusted with flour and bake at 160 degrees for about 30 minutes.

the sponge out of the oven, remove it from the mold and let it cool (it is advisable to prepare the stuffing the day before). After having removed the crust and upper trim the edges, cut the bread in half dispagna obtaining two discs. Wetted by a liquid prepared by dissolving 2 tablespoons sugar with 150ml of water and adding a glass of rum.

Prepare the cream ganache: Boil 100ml of cream and add the chopped white chocolate and stir until it is melted and well blended. Cool completely the cream. Assemble the remaining cream and add some cream to try to mix it slowly with the turning fork from bottom to top. Pour half the cream on sponge cake base and cover with another disc that must also be held with the remaining cream.

With the aid of a pastry bag to decorate the cake using the remaining whipped cream, a bit of liquid chocolate to dessert that you will find ready to supermarket and hazelnut cake and put it on the edge of the previously coated with the cream (of course free rein to the imagination of all staff in order to get the decorations that you prefer).
Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least two hours before consumption.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Diaper Keg Invitations


publishing the article written by the 'Ansa' and shown on the site "Chiesaersi.wordpress"

Exits the autobiography, the Pope wrote to Mussolini for his liberation

(ANSA) - Vatican City, 12 August - "The resistance to Rome was strongly supports from the Vatican, to the extent that it was possible to provide support. " It is one of the most significant passages of autobiographical testimony of Adriano Ossicini in the book 'The challenge of freedom. Dall'antifascismo the Resistance, 1936-1945 '(Published by The Edge), now widely spoken of the Osservatore Romano, and that sheds new light on issues still much discussed as the position of the Vatican and Pope Pius XII at the time of resistance Nazism and the deportations of Jews. "When the Fatebenefratelli hospital Jews, the Vatican knew, so the Vatican was aware of the fact that I brought to the palace of the Chancellery of the Jews who had hidden at the time of the raid," scrive Ossicini, già docente di psicologia, parlamentare dal 1968 al 1992, e ministro per la Famiglia e la solidarietà sociale nel Governo Dini, dal 1992 al 1994. Antifascista, durante la seconda guerra mondiale fu imprigionato a Regina Coeli per ordine del Tribunale speciale; prese parte attiva alla Resistenza e fondò il Movimento dei cattolici comunisti, poi divenuto Partito della Sinistra cristiana. «Io non ebbi dal Vaticano un’assistenza occasionale, bensì sistematica – spiega -, senza la quale non avrei potuto fare nulla di ciò che ho fatto. Perchè a differenza dei comunisti, dei socialisti, degli azionisti, che avevano un partito con forze economiche e politiche, io non avevo nulla. Il nostro movimento non aveva fondi (…) senza l’aiuto della Santa Sede, dunque la mia attività a Roma, e fuori Roma, sarebbe stata impossibile». Drammatica è l’esperienza, nel giugno e luglio 1943, della detenzione, dell’isolamento e delle percosse a Regina coeli. Sarà grazie all’intervento diretto di Pio XII – il quale scrive a Mussolini – che il giovane, finito in infermeria dopo i pestaggi, esce dal carcere, dopo aver rifiutato di firmare la domanda di grazia, messagli davanti per abbreviare i tempi di detenzione. Durante gli interrogatori, al giovane antifascista frequentatore di preti e comunisti viene anche presentato un biglietto da lui scritto sui rapporti con la Segreteria di Stato vaticana da cui risulta evidente line of the Holy See against the anti-Semitic racism. Bones had noted a meeting held shortly before with Msgr. Domenico Tardini, which had emerged from the chasm "between the strongly anti-racist part of the curia and the cowardly passivity of Christians." Unforgettable, to bones, is the audience with Pope Pacelli after the liberation from fascism carcere.Il young, in fact among the initiators of the Resistance in the capital, wants to thank the Pope for what he has done in his defense, but is still embarrassed, not so as not to have wanted to sign the request for clemency, as a result of the ticket ended in police custody and could create difficulties objectively. Apology to the young Pius XII responded by shooting: "What difficulties? We could not take, because our attitude is clear, and if she had brought this difficulty only, and not the political positions he assumed in this case would have been our duty to defend. "