Il libro "Il Campo della Memoria - Parole e immagini dal Cimitero di Guerra del Battaglione Barbarigo a Nettuno", a cura del Generale Giorgio Farotti può essere ora scaricato gratis da http://associazioneitalia.blogspot.com/ ITALY the initiative of the Association. The Field of Remembrance
Words and images from the Battalion War Cemetery in Nettuno Barbarigo
Edited by General George Farotti
This book traces the history of the Field of Remembrance, the project in 1987 as a monument to its realization, until its transformation into a war cemetery of the fallen of the Battalion. "Barbarigo" charge to the Commission for honoring the fallen in the War of the Ministry of Defence in 1999, the military ceremony for the transfer of the remains of Comandante Umberto Marò Bardelli and sixty-five in June 2005 ceremony in which, for the first time the end of the Second World War, a platoon of infantry on the Italian Army "presented for-arm" has granted them, in an explicit and official, the same dignity as any other soldier fighting the armies faced each other in 1944 on the beachhead of Anzio and Nettuno.
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