since December 2010 is on sale the new monograph by Daniel Lembo, published for the types of Delta publisher of Parma and entitled "NRA air force fighter." A publication of
as elegant and rich beyond measure, in which about two hundred in fifty pages and images viene raccontata la nascita e la storia di quella che fu l’Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana della Repubblica Sociale Italiana.
Mussolini, liberato dalla prigionia del Gran Sasso, intuisce la prima cosa da fare per lo Stato Repubblicano di nuova costituzione è di ritornare al combattimento a fianco dei tedeschi. Già 18 settembre, parlando agli italiani alla radio dalla Germania, affermerà che bisogna: “Riprendere le armi a fianco della Germania, del Giappone e degli altri alleati; soltanto il sangue può cancellare una pagina così obbrobriosa della nostra storia. Preparare senza indugio la riorganizzazione delle nostre Forze Armate………”
Le Forze Armate della R.S.I. nasceranno by a decree of the Head of State Republican, issued October 27, 1943, is intended to take effect the next day. The Republican National Aviation birth is a key to the ten. Col. Ernesto Botto, the legendary "Iron Leg", a man who continued to fly and fight even though he lost a leg in Spain. Botto, making its strong reputation, is launching a proclamation to invite all'arruolamento nell'ANR pilots and technical personnel. It will be because of that proclamation if, in October 1943, are presented at the Torino Mirafiori, the first men. Not enough to make an air force pilots, but we need the machines and Ernesto Botto, who was appointed State Secretary of the Air Force in the government of the Republic of Mussolini, is committed to finding the aircraft for its Air Force Republican. Initially, managed to recover about seventy-five fighters of various types (Fiat G55 Centauro, Macchi 205 and Reggiani 2005). Will these devices that will form the nucleus of the NRA.
After that, the Secretary Botto, puts the record straight with "allies" Germans, letting them know that the NRA is not the subject of a State Armed Forces of Germany. Will be respected as an ally and wants to return, not only of material predated flight by the Germans immediately after the September 8, but also that of Italian personnel has been recruited, often by force, the Luftwaffe.
for his intransigence, Botto will not last long in office and will be forced to leave the Undersecretariat in early March 1944, but now someone has made it clear to Germany that the NRA is not intended to be a branch of the Italian Air Force. The following summer, General Wolfram von Richthofen, commander of Luftflotte 2 in Italy, put the plan into action "Phonix", which aims to incorporate the NRA in the Luftwaffe, transforming it into a Legion Italian Air Force whose pilots would be forced to wear German uniform and take an oath to Hitler. The answer
given by the Italians will be tough and effective, compelling, even by force, to withdraw to the German to his intentions.
In essence, the NRA will be divided into three groups hunting. The Group 1 is Campoformido, has Macchi 205 and Me 109G squadrons and is articulated on "Ace of Wands", "The wasp incacchiata" and "Archer". The 2nd group is in Bresso, has Fiat G 55 and Me 109G and is divided on the squadrons' Gigi three Osei "," Red Devils "and" leg iron. Finally, the 3rd Group in Vicenza is also divided into three squadrons, but will never be fully operational. In addition to the three groups mentioned are also working on a Squadriglia Autonoma Caccia G 55 Fiat Mirafiori and a Night Fighter Squadron Autonoma in Bresso on Me 109G, Cr 42, RE 2001. The training is given to a hunting Complementary Training Hunting Group, consisting of four squadrons:
Of Aviation squadrons Republican, in addition to the above, also belong to a group Torpedo Bombers Lonate Pozzolo, a bomber squadron in Lonate Pozzolo, three groups of transport (Trabuccco, and Terry De Camillis), Department Connection (RAC Aero Department Connection) and a Department Gliders. For completeness, we must remember that they are also framed the Air North il Reggimento Arditi Paracadutisti, la Divisione Contraerea e Antiparacadutisti “Aquila” e l’Artiglieria Contraerea, meglio conosciuta come Ar.Co.
L’unica Squadriglia da bombardamento, intitolata ad Ettore Muti, non sarà mai impiegata, i gruppi da trasporto Terracciano, Trabucchi e De Camillis troveranno, invece, grande impiego operativo venendo utilizzati sui cieli di Finlandia, Polonia , Prussia, Ucraina e Bielorussia e rendendosi utilissimi ai tedeschi, per conto dei quali effettuano trasporti di uomini e materiali. Infine, il Gruppo Aerosiluranti, intitolato a “Buscaglia”, è comandato da Carlo Faggioni,sarà impiegato contro la testa di ponte di Anzio e su Gibilterra.
Benché l’A.N.R., come abbiamo visto, annoveri nelle sue file reparti da bombardamento, trasporto e aerosiluramento, la sua peculiarità è quella di essere, essenzialmente, un’aeronautica da caccia.
Il ruolo primario svolto dai suoi piloti starà nel contrasto allo strapotere dei bombardieri angloamericani che martirizzano le città del nord attaccando non solo complessi industriali italiani ma anche obiettivi civili e non disdegnando di abbassarsi a mitragliare il singolo ciclista che percorre la strada di campagna. Sembra, addirittura, che le vittime preferite dai “liberatori” siano proprio gli insediamenti civili del nord, dove fanno strage tra la popolazione. In totale, i bombardieri dei "Liberators" will make approximately 64,000 civilian casualties, among whom there will be the 200 children of primary school district Gorla (Milan) that will hit October 20, 1944.
The fighter pilots of the NRA will try desperately to fight an enemy who leads a terrorist-style air war, an effort that will become truly learn when, in late '44, the 2 nd Luftflotte will be completely moved to Germany, leaving to defend themselves against the Italian skies barbarians came from the sea. The activities of the NRA hunters will be nothing short of heroic, always finding himself in combat in terms of numerical inferiority against the huge concentrazioni di velivoli dell’USAAF che si presentano sempre fortemente scortate sopra i cieli dell’Italia del nord.
Quando tutto sarà finito, quando quella guerra sarà terminata, la fine si tramuterà, per i militari che hanno aderito alla R.S.I., in un bagno di sangue. Che fine faranno gli uomini dell’Aviazione Nazionale Repubblicana?
Ebbene, finita quella guerra, chi ha avuto il coraggio di saltare per tempo sul carro del vincitore, avrà anche l’ardire di emanare leggi e di istituire tribunali per colpire chi, invece, ha come unica colpa quella di aver voluto difendere la Patria.
I piloti dell’A.N.R. che riusciranno a sfuggire alla “giustizia” of the winners - will be the famous case of summary execution Visconti - will be sent for trial by military tribunals and the offense will have to answer "collaboration".
E 'to clarify, once and for all, that the choice made by these men, to join the North Aviation, has no political affiliations but is dictated exclusively by military reasons. They see their cities bombed and they decide to do that for which they were trained to defend life and honor of their people.
Louis Gorrini, the gold medal with the first flying Fighter Group, in an interview some time ago, he would declare: "We we had no party, we will defend the Italian cities by the bombing of the liberators, our homes and our honor. Everyone knew the war was lost to El-Alamein and I have lost twice, on 8 September and 25 April. But then again, what I did then ... those tons of bombs in less that we avoided in our city, this is an undeniable historical merit. I do not lower my eyes in front of anyone and I did it again. "
are words that do not allow replicas and one can only say thanks to men like Major Visconti will continue to rise into the sky, one against one hundred , in a desperate defense of Italy. E 'of these things is largely the most recent volume of Daniel Lembo.
NRA HUNTING Ave, Delta Publishing (Supplement to Aircraft in History No 75 December 2010 - gern. 2011) 52 pages € 7
I newsstands, or order at the Delta Ed Parma No Royal Village 21 - tel. 0521 287883
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