After the release of "absolute evil" and following the broken replicas "partisan" the author, Liliana Peirano, wrote a further deepening of the text published separately under the title "The absolute evil, Appendix"
The new edition of "absolute evil" is rather comprehensive appendix.
"completely naked, one day, the Truth
above ground, where was left hidden. / "
The Province of Cuneo, who likes to define himself as the cradle of the resistance that would have given the people freedom of thought and expression, does not like the truth and accept it.
So much so that the author of "The Absolute Evil" (on FORMATION. Garibaldi) is in court since 2006 to have touched a few. The silent
Provincia Granda, keeps its secrets hidden, not to give way to history, remains perched on the positions of the '43-'45. In his
countries are located the offices ANPI, sentinels of a province to war without interruption. This is demonstrated by the recent recovery
Anti-Fascist Committee intended by the PNA of Cuneo. He speaks in the Annex (which was published separately as an appendix) in this new edition. In
reissue of "The Absolute Evil" with attachment and "The Absolute Evil - Appendix -" (for those who already have the first printing of the book) there are all the answers to the accusations of the PNA.
The impression is that the book has been read as references and sources are comprehensive. Now, however, the documentation has been deepened and extended, with additional and compelling documents.
You return to Lieutenant Adriano Adami, hero and martyr of the Battalion. Bassano Div Monterosa with another distressing picture, which like its predecessors, requires no comment, followed by a broader information.
The fury with which he was tortured while alive and dead has only one motive: hatred of the leaders to a military that puzzled them for his courage and made them insecure in their homes, in addition to the fear that was the depositary of some truth.
partisans do not know the features, except a few taken prisoner and later released. They knew that proudly wore the lace, Alpine distinctive note. After the surrender of the battalion, April 25, more than a mountain burned the beard, many of the military in disarray, just realized, meant that the beard danger, they provided a discard.
Annex continues with the opening of the province of Asti, the historical truth.
relevant facts which he has promoted, a good pastor, Father Brossa Antonio, to Vallunga of Piea (photo), one of the interminable forest belt of Monferrato, where he raged "justice" training Garibaldi.
In summary: "The epic battle of Sommariva Perno", primed on "Children Present".
The massacre of prisoners and the interesting diary of the commander of the partisan Autonomous Icilio Ronchi Della Rocca, to reach the toll is highly approximate, Republican Guard (GNR) in the Province of Cuneo, with the tasks of the Carabinieri, an easy prey because they used to move small number of two or three soldiers.
E 'clear the system of withdrawal of the soldiers, in a dispatch to the allied military command in Cuneo. "In the region of Biangiotto Busca November 26, 1945 have been found five bodies buried at ground-unknown-, three buried at the farmhouse were Biangiotto Forestry Division under the Republican" Monterosa "taken in March 1945 in the inn City of Busca.
And finally a difficult historical research on a plaque erected in the middle of a cornfield July 29, 1946, where it ended il tragico calvario di un avvocato, la quale così recita:
“qui dove viltà fascista fece scempio del tuo fragile corpo
aleggia fiero il tuo spirito monito agli italiani
frangar non flectar
il Municipio di Genola”.
Titolo:Il male assoluto. Appendice
Autore: peirano liliana
Lingua italiana
Ra.ra Edizioni
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