( photo from mymilitalia.it )
The year is almost gone: the old days to cure the blog, but few were ever made exemplary way in bringing awareness to the bottom of old books and new CSR and Tenth. I could insert (and insert) other rare books and old, how could I put my last major purchase, but I chose something that many know to have seen at various sites and reading articles about and that few know of the existence of some books merit. I'm going to report you a few pages of the book eloquently entitled "Mussolini's political testament," dictation, corrected and signed three days before the end of the Social Republic thanks to the journalist Gian Gaetano Cubello: Witness the direct creator of this document and book three years after the war. Despite some errors and departments on developing countries, crippled names and phrases, il Cubella si ritrova a compilare insieme al Duce le ultime parole in testamento vero e proprio che lo ricorregge il giorno dopo, in quella che per il giornalista, sarà un presentimento della sua ultima visione verso il Mussolini. Ma andiamo ai particolari del testamento cercando di analizzare le sue parole con le trattative con il Cardinale Shuster e sull'assicurazione di non veder versato nemmeno una goccia di sangue. Purtroppo come Mussolini affermerà, il cardinale seppur sia una persona viscida (quando il fascismo andava bene fu un sostenitore e lo esponeva) è un ministro di Dio e quindi credibile a quello che dirà, anche se sbaglierà sul conto del sangue sparso, tra fascisti e antifascisti, gente dell'ultima ora, criminali e gente avara di opportunism (my words). Italy remembers crying on the non-Italian participation in the scandal almost beside the victorious Germany, on having made a choice to avoid being treated as a country with no right to speak and then the war is on, the same people told him that he made a big mistake to wage war against the British and French (unfortunately methods are still in existence).
see a thesis on the victory and failure in terms of division between Italy and Germany in Europe if they were to share the continent (here I must acknowledge that it could also be implemented, but more for the benefit of the Germans). Azzeccherà and judge us, peace that will bring the winners in illusive and ephemeral and prophetically judge its fascist idea as the most daring and original idea Mediterranean and affirm that history will give reason, that his star fade but not the thought and fear will still be dead (if today's opponents a notch with the "fascist "or that they always use this word is obvious that they have so much fear and if I say that they are not fascist, I think I hit the view of these" champions of fools "). In discussions with the Cubello, it strikes me to admit to having believed on the Italian people who listened to his words that thrilled to have grasped by understanding the thought oratory of the Duce, but he changed his mind when he realized at last that many flocked to hear its speeches were made by "collective hysteria" (Italy ever). He returned to the enemies who would meet friends to defeat the Nazi-Fascism, which will have huge problems between them, creating another war in the future (the third was not there, but that cold is really existed), distinguishing the difference between capitalists, colonialists and proletarian (Churchill knew it, alluding to the Soviets, said confidentially that he had killed the wrong pig). in the interview - he will confide in a young Italian people and in restoring luster to the new one will care that twenty years of Fascism has not been able to do and that he failed to make the cure (sorry for him, but This young man did not know who he was thinking of De Gasperi, Andreotti, Craxi, Berlusconi and Prodi. for me, clinicians have become clinically dead care for the nation). Continue with the socialization
world - national, with the freedom of the press, of thought over words (we acknowledge that the opponents have been accused for years)
, the right to profess religious ending with the claim to have brought honor, decency and dignity a church that has turned the stables, for personal gain. Talk about old and new traitors, people who had luster thanks to him and the difference between the north and south, stating that despite the bombing attacks partisans and hunger, the Socialist Republic ruled as a de facto state, preventing inflation that the new winners have also led to the north after Mussolini. They, the Italians will be many who mourn with Mussolini fascism, will years later, to think that after Mussolini was right indeed (his name is still afraid today and many still regret it, because the people are still a populace).
In the end the test and see him the next day, making sure the work done, he told the reporter that in case of loss or death, his will was to be hidden for three years, so the little book that we offer on the blog, was Tosi made in publishing in Rome in 1948 and was not by coincidence, but as one of the last Benito Mussolini will of a neighbor to death.
Paper found on the "Maremagnum" that can be taken with different prices. Page 64, attached to the original text and a picture with a lot of dedication to the journalist, I advised him to have it in your hands, as cult book of that last moment of life of a man and a state.