"Life must be cultured in culture is vital but 'phrase Ortega y Gasset was pleasing to many readers. "In all schools should re-introduce the philosophy ... the art of asking questions, "for example, says the player Lorenzo, stimulated by this sentence. But he adds: "Then maybe it's an illusion because if taught by teachers would have a few dull glimmer of effect."
Yes, this is the effect: we have schools and universities species that kill any desire for culture. Youth crushed by volumes (just look at those medicine) in which no one knows what will remain in memory, haunted by the authors or courses on marginal issues and small, entirely unnecessary, by the multiplication of "specialized science" that are just multiplication of professorships, knowledge by towering intimidating and discouraging. All this "knowledge" is indigestible and assimilated among the causes of regression to barbarism.
Send a viable culture should start with the pruning, simplification, the effort to provide a sense of unity, that the human mind, limited to comprendere in sé. La missione dell’università, oggi, dovrebbe essere quella di strappare gli strati di cultura morta, le cortecce, le scorze e le concrezioni che si sono accumulate in un tronco antico di tremila anni, per giungere al midollo umido, dove ancora pulsa la linfa che porta le sostanze vitali.
Dice bene Lorenzo: la filosofia come originaria «arte di porsi le domande» è esattamente quel che viene trascurato dalle facoltà di filosofia. Certe domande, poi, furono vive e urgenti per la generazione che le formulò, ma oggi sono morte. Per fare un esempio, la pretesa di Cartesio di creare una scienza perfetta e integrale di tutto l’universo «dedotta dalle cause prime», a priori.
A fatal attempt, which for centuries has engaged in the construction of European thought 'systems' and closed in total.
Kant, "raises the classes, Hegel is" necessarily pass "the Spirit of a" moment "to another with the dialectic, Marx explains the history and society with the dialectic of material forces ... It is obvious at every step that these philosophers are asking us to notice: humanity choose between me or the end of thought. All this is, I believe, late for this generation.
The end of the totalitarian systems - philosophies that have spawned ideologies and regimes total - has left us with a bundle of bark and bark, and without guidance in the world. Maybe we need to start by Socrates, where the sap was throbbing, and not to ask the same questions that put Socrates (urgent in his day), but to put those that beset us today ". To instill in students that primordial enthusiasm of the discovery of a new idea, a new principle or application.
This also applies to art. When built the bell tower in Florence, Giotto was overwhelmed by the observations that passers-by below, made him, giving him advice and criticism. Apparently, people felt the tower as its own thing. How is that nowadays nobody cares about art? That people - not just individuals, but people as a whole - to bear in their city, the rise of monsters buildings, crooked and mocking the man, ordered by city hall?
Just the fact that the developer of "art" today is the City, or in short, the bureaucracy (the monster cold) or the expropriation Capital says a lot that we have left to do our damage. For centuries, art was religious committtenza. The temple, the cathedral and the church "attracted" to him the arts, painting, sculpture, tapestries, art glass, jewelry, organ music, in a unified and consistent drive, what is called style.
a long time now, the painter of genius is without principals: the desperate Van Gogh tried to sell his paintings in the taverns, we paid the rent of the huts. Smarter, its successors commercial produce directly to auction houses. They formed the "vanguard of mass" that sell well on the 'market'. Andy Warhol is sold for billions, but everyone understands that with some of photographic each machine may be in the tens of Warhol.
sculptors to produce the cemetery, and less (the sculpture costs). What "is" in fact a sculpture? Who puts in trilocale biservizi? Maybe some sort by the Goldman Sachs-Templar sumptuous lobby of the bank. But really this art form is dead, along with the temple or palace. Europe no longer art.
His musical language was developed for centuries, is now abandoned, the pruned a bit 'boring
of "cultural radio" RAI3. Even in the film gives little or nothing, crushed by the film American hegemony. This sterility is a frightening symptom, end is like the dying man who turns against the wall, has nothing more to say, nothing to hope for. The well-tempered expression
aphasia or sold to the cry for more in a "language" foreign: the rap music, painting graffiti reduced degradation of New York, the architecture to a "deconstruction" that intentionally Who wants to poison passes nearby. We express themselves "personality" incomplete, malicious, petulant, pathological and demonic as those that haunt the mentally ill when they hear the "voices". Infinitely repeated what the graffiti and the music is the cry of youth Lucifer: "I do not Serviam," I will not serve.
Indeed, by dint of refusing to serve God and man, the art does not need any more. For this we should get the sense that culture, to be viable, must be "functional." The living culture is that 'we need. " Caution: Do not paint in the sense of socialist realism, which served as the propaganda of the regime. In another sense, the deeper and immediate. How to tell?
I try to say this: each of us has been thrown into life as a castaway is thrown into the waves. Must swim to survive. Moreover, the muscles need good and healthy organic adrenaline from the adrenal, in short the vital functions.
However, culture is one of these vital functions, and should fall within the services vital functions. It is not a luxury furniture for beautiful souls, it's something we need to swim - to survive - in today's complicated world in a storm.
In this sense, it does not seem unwarranted sign the player who writes: Remember Rome "is to say in front of the false teachers of today: we have a root, there have removing the memory. " E 'academic idea, ornamental culture. We must continually redesigned Rome, of course: to understand, say, how come he could control his vast empire with so few soldiers (those who the Americans in Iraq) to understand what "worked" in the empire, and why he stopped ' work 'to understand the struggles of Roman power, so that can illuminate the power struggles of today, to understand why, in the decadence, Rome was able to carry the pregnancy of another culture, different but related to her as his daughter. In short, the study is functional vital to our urgent needs, or else it is mythology, laying or boredom.
Recover culture as a vital function also means free her from the prohibitions. Today there are prohibitions imposed think, in large quantities, fascism was the "absolute evil", so do not think of this, democracy is sacred, not slander, Israel is not debatable, otherwise you are "anti-Semitic" and the European Union should not be subjected to criticism and even a referendum ...
These prohibitions are like the removal of the adrenal: without epinephrine, weak, we do not care more, in fact we feel weak and helpless. And we let ourselves be lead by caregivers in carrozzzella established power.
should become more clear that the culture - as a vital function - you do not learn only on books and school. Indeed, for centuries to convey the culture, infinite knowledge and tricks of the trade, were the heads of workers and artisans.
Recently I was invited to speak at Udine, in an excellent professional technical institute Salesians. The Principal, Salesian, told me that the Regional Councillor for Education and Culture, left, is contrarissimo Institute, wants all young people to pass a general secondary education and bookish, and this for a fossil remnant of maldigerita its ideology. Consider the technical school discrimination "class", everyone would be entitled to high school ...
course, thereby revealing a contempt very class (petit bourgeois) for the workers. But the kids calling in the technical school, the headmaster said to me, are "already" passed by the school generally, and they were cast out, rejected for lack of motivation and lack of preparation. They arrive there as repeaters and drop-out, and with great effort, but with success, learn to learn, like most of us, in fact, it is easier to learn "seeing to do."
contact with machine tools, the necessary rigor of their use, is flickering in those ignorant minds (often ruined by the school and the family), the consciousness that is the case to go and read books on the theory that serves the operation of machinery. Now they know "Why" they have to study algebra, mathematics, geometry, technical drawing, CAD-CAM, Linux. Understanding the "why" is just arriving, beneath the layers of dead skin, the lifeblood of culture.
And the culture of the technicians is far lower than that of Latinos, has the dignity of a vital function, for a service rendered to the company's technical needs (rather than Latinists scholars and deaths) is the dignity that they those young people learn through the machine tools, seeing "how do you '.
Finally, I must warn: the preservation of the culture life is not easy. Quell'assessore (a culture that life would never have made that site) is just one example of the obstacles that would put power in general in an attempt to instil a culture of life. The examples are more numerous in the culture itself.
the bark death swarm a number of acrobats, charlatans cultural multipliers 'science' and 'language' of 'vanguard' useless (since there is no more 'academic' in fight against), and it is these are considered - by the media - the Venerable Master. Imagine if the people want to go where the pulsing lifeblood of culture functional lose salary, tenure, awards, seats of senators for life. To avoid lawsuits, I will mention two examples a bit 'dated.
The youngest, fortunately, will never have heard of Roland Barthes, but was a "philosphe 'follow-up and very fashionable thirty years ago. What brought culture? Just to mention one of the sentences of his inaugural lecture at the College de France, "The language is neither reactionary nor progressive, it is simply fascist because fascism is not to say stop, but obliged to say. Since it is proffered, even if in the deepest depths of the subject, language enters the service of power. "
This phrase is, purely and simply, nonsense. But arrogance and complacency with what was delivered! And how many theses produced! Another example Lacan. One analyst
semi-philosopher who was able to write sentences like this: "If psychoanalysis inhabits the language, could not, without, fail to realize this in his speech." E 'unimaginable as compared with compunction and similar phrases were received and commented. There is a whole world that wants to be a 'culture' only darkness and difficulty, which has made us into the age where "culture" is synonymous with "boring", but worse, where it is respected as boredom ' cultural. "
in major newspapers, the 'cultural pages' pages are boring. On TV, when the announcer announces a 'cultural program' lowers the tone, makes a serious face and pointed prim lips as if he were taking us to a funeral in the church. All these people who treat culture as boredom and funeral, has the power today. Are academics, journalists and "opinion leaders" of some kind, acrobats or promoted as such by the press, as Oliviero Toscani or Odifreddi.
E 'these people who, like it or not, prevents with his tricks, the prohibitions and taboos need pruning, adequate separation of essential from the superfluous and the quack, the one that crushes our students lazy in the volumes and specializations .
These students try to take courses for the names - "Political Science" o «Scienze della comunicazione» - promettono ciò di cui sentono il bisogno loro: un po’ di cultura generale, una serie di categorie e concetti per capire il mondo. Non trovano nulla, e finiscono magari nelle feste rave. O comunque, privi di riferimenti che non siano i conformismi e i luoghi comuni dominanti, da cui credono per giunta di essere liberi. Ne darò un solo esempio fra i tanti, per ragioni di spazio.
Nel mio pezzo su «Essere autentici prima di essere cristiani» (cioè: se non si è autentici umanamente, non si può nemmeno essere cristiani) citavo, come opera religiosa, il film Blade Runner.
Il lettore Mario ha scritto: «Quello che va notato a proposito di Blade Runner is that this is a film based on the 1968 novel by Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) entitled 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' that is to say, 'But the Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' and that its author did not disdain to make use of discrete doses of 'acid', especially amphetamines, to excite the imagination, cause they eventually died. He was the victim of a compulsive fashion? Then, from 'junk' can be born a beacon of hope? I do not think that we should draw a line over the gatherings of young 'rave'. " Oh no, dear Mario: you can not do this equation "democratic".
Philip Dick was a very rare contemporary artist haunted by the creator of a theology and theology, the only one who dared to speak of man as in need of immortality in the twentieth century, an explorer of places where troubled advancing to the first and only, with no way draw. One that - like the real artists - you get sick in advance of diseases of the human world, and advocates that the report, raised the alarm. The essential part of contemporary and authentic this is, in fact: to be an early symptom.
Such men are in constant danger, may resort to 'comfort' chemicals in their prophetic solitude that scares them and burn them, shamans are in the era of secularization, hallucinated prophets of the ruin that awaits the party animals and consumers, we're all the inauthentic. They can not judge the way you do, above all, they can not be put on the same footing as tangled up at parties, "raves."
These may be the death of LSD, but they can never write 'Androids'. "Men are not equal," Mario. There are superior men, whose loss or whose abisssi be regarded with horror and pity with which the greek chorus witness the fall of Oedipus the King The Convention has equality in citizenship only political democracy but not in art, culture and prophecy.
Today, the demand to extend the "democracy" dove non deve stare è uno dei problemi della cultura. E’ la confusione tra l’essenziale e il subordinato o il superfluo, tra il superiore e l’inferiore. Un esempio.
Giorni fa ho sentito alla radio Veltroni che parlava del suo programma: abolire leggi che ostacolano la produzione, le imprese, le opere pubbliche… Il giornalista, esponente della «cultura» vigente, lo interrompe e gli chiede: è a favore della fecondazione in vitro? O vorrebbe impedire che due genitori talassemici abbiano un figlio sano? «Per come mi pone la domanda, le dico: no», ha risposto Veltroni. Ma si capiva che era seccato.
Sono convinto che - se avesse potuto dire la verità - avrebbe detto: «Caro journalist, the policy does not cover everything. It can hardly promise that will ensure that from the preliminary study for a highway to its realization not pass twelve years, but only three, and this is already difficult to achieve. Just imagine if he can guarantee the satisfaction of all needs individuals, the personal care of all the unhappiness of each elector, or even less the right to individual happiness of each. Do not confuse the plans: I have the utmost respect for the plight of parents with thalassemia, but I
duty to say that it is not my field. The field of politics is more modest, is (at most) the organization of the means of collective life. "
Why Veltroni could not say this humble truth? Santalmassi because the reporter had laid a trap ("I put myself in trouble with Catholics who fight in your party), and if he had answered otherwise would have said something not liberal, not politically correct, that newspapers have taken to their detriment.
You will say that it is pointless to talk about culture in this life? Got to do and how. The journalist has done what it has been raised to the director: the guardian of the "limits of thought" now, he watches you do not tell the whole truth but only one acceptable to groups and lobby hegemonic "cultural". All these lobby groups, when considering The essential claim is superfluous and the secondary who refuse drawn between priority and no, they are unable to prune and simplify the discussion, and concent of the few vital questions of urgency, that the limited resources they can (and it is not) solve .
The 'debate' is now so, in culture as in politics. Bark, and sap.
of Maurizio Blondet by www.effedieffe.com
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