cleared a field of Roma and of course illegal in Milan, Cardinal Tettamanzi protest because he said "have violated human rights by not providing the basic forms of assistance. "
More of a reason to rejoice of this. The first reason is obvious: you can finally try to make Italy a little less hospitable for these pseudonomadi that colonize our well established suburbs, making them even more insecure than they already are with their constant and repeated abuse, theft, robbery and murder .
Waiting for a law to close the borders to the Roma and Italy who hunts them throughout every exponent, we can only write down everything you build. Going to haunt Germany and Austria if they can! Unfortunately
are not so stupid as to not understand that Italy is the soft underbelly. But
make our land inhospitable to these criminals is the first step that can free us from them.
vote against the Left Rainbow becomes almost a duty for the Italians that they sense danger-rom: Remember that the lists of that coalition is a Roma The first step for you to be accepted for what they are not.
Whilst it may be that part of the statistical percentage of error that has never killed, stolen, or beggar why we should vote on a non-Italian? Who then will provide the loyalty? Romania, Poland, to any nation in the former Yugoslavia, Italy, or only to his nomadic family-style tub?
And Cardinal Tettamanzi complains about the modu operandi. It says human rights have been denied.
I hope you're wrong and he's right Moratti said that when instead they were granted all aid elementary. I could not imagine how the children may have suffered in a permanent state of narcosis or cold to bring in more in terms of begging. All we need is that during the evacuation are not guaranteed a minimum of rights.
But this is a positive point: apparently, the Church still sees the bulldozers that they throw down houses. It also complains when it happens.
I am really pleased.
Now the next step is to get involved when the bulldozers are in a foreign country and the homes of a legitimate nation. We denounce that rather than the destruction of illegal shacks in the Italian territory. What
Tettamanzi ask his telescope on Gaza Strip and has the courage to talk about that rather than the destruction of an illegal headquarters of delinquency.
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