Ho scelto di non essere femminista per essere umanista; perchè il mondo non si divide in maschi e femmine, ma in stupidi e no. Sono parole di Marjane Satrapi, scrittrice di successo iraniana.
Una frase che denuncia la situazione femminile al giorno d'oggi.
Siamo pronti a puntare il dito contro il mondo musulmano, ma non ci rendiamo conto che anche tra di noi il più ottuso machismo prende piede ed è difficile da eradicare.
Se un maschio va con molte donne è a pimp (and good), if a woman goes with many men is a bitch (and bad). This shining example of stupidity is not a saying of some kind of boorish idiot, an imbecile, but a medical student.
would be to laugh if it was not that it is not a joke.
I could hardly believe what I heard.
I am engaged in lengthy discussions which brought forward the theory that sexism had become a thing of the past, but I changed my mind. E 'is very urgent, like a metastasized cancer in all social classes without great distinction.
male masculinity is even less manhood. It 's just a jumble of insecurities that show a moral hypogonadism (not infrequently even physical).
The solution is perfectly shown by Satrapi, is not feminism (which is a manifestation of the same degree of idiocy, just the opposite) but why.
Run the brain: an event has always been revolutionary.
increasingly rare.
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