by the news today we learn that:
1) E 'a Romanian was arrested, drunk, killing a tourist with the sweeping machine then quietly go to the disco
2) 4 Romanians were arrested for having tortured for five hours in order to extort an old secret codes of ATM and credit cards
3) A thief ROMANIAN an Italian lawsuit for 100,000 € to justify the fourth different version of how it is wound in the back: it starts with an insect bite and you come to a shot that would have detonated the elderly victim of theft to run him and his accomplice (version absolutely denied even by neighbors who did not hear any shooting, but only the screams of fear of the wife of the victim of theft)
4) A thief Eastern Europe (not necessarily Romanian) alloy elderly 75 year old in your restaurant, wounding with scissors and stole € 1,500 and a cell phone. Fortunately his waiters have saved this morning, but has not found the thief.
This country is now a part of the European Community. A country from the far more prosperous future of Italy. For we export brains (in the U.S. or England) and industries (in Romania, where the tax is about 40% of what we pay in Italy, being about 50% compared to 19% for Italy and Romania). We import all kinds of criminals in return migrants.
And to avoid accusations of racism we are forced to detour of words that tend to separate illegal immigrants from the regular, the Romanians from Gypsies and questi ultimi tra rom e sinti,che dicono essere poetici e georgici girovaghi.
La verità è che siamo il ventre molle d'europa,dove questi delinquenti la cui disperazione sembra per alcuni essere addirittura diventata una scusante per le loro indicibili violenze vengono a banchettare con furti,omicidi e stupri.
Di contro la Romania importa industrie ed esporta tutti i subumani. Loro si che hanno futuro.
Serve un governo forte che elimini questo falso umanitarismo che mostra carità verso i delinquenti e nessuna forma della stessa verso le vittime se si eccettua qualche lacrimuccia di coccodrillo e un telegramma di condoglianze.
Auguriamoci che tale sia il prossimo.
Ma diamo un'adeguata demonstration of our needs. Do not be afraid of the perbenistica extreme, vote in all conscience. Any deviation
that "moderate" Truth is a lie and rape of his own conscience proportional to what one has departed.
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