Friday, February 25, 2011

Wooden Gear Clock Plans

The scroccafusi

For dessert carnival of the Marche, the scroccafusi are the most popular.
propose the recipe that I inherited from my grandmother ....


5 eggs 5 teaspoons of sugar
5 teaspoons vegetable oil
5 tablespoons anisette
Half a teaspoon of baking soda
Approximately 0.5 kg of flour "00"
Peanut oil for frying
honey, cocoa, alchermes to decorate

Battere le uova con lo zucchero, unire l'olio e piano piano la farina, il mistrà ed infine il bicarbonato.


Lavorare l'impasto per un pò sulla spianatoia e formare dei rotoli abbastanza spessi.

 Tagliare degli gnocconi  di circa 5 cm di lunghezza e lessarli in boiling water only on the bottom of the pot.

soon return to the surface again to continue boiling five minutes making sure to turn them occasionally. Drain the gnocconi on a tea towel and cover.

Place the Peanut oil in a large frying pan and founded, with a knife a cross on the scroccafusi read and put to fry without waiting that the oil is too hot.
Shake the pan continuously to ensure that the oil well cover the scroccafusi and open them to grow and where it was made the head screwdriver.

Continue cooking until the scroccafusi have not reached a golden brown color.

Drain on paper towels and let them cool for a while before you decorate them according to your taste or as I did: honey melted with a little sugar and vanilla sugar and cocoa or alchermes ...

Happy Carnival to all with scroccafusi Marche!!


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